Dead Island 2 – How To Get Guns

Dead Island 2 shines brightest in its melee combat, but you actually can use guns, too, if you know where to look. While you might spend your first moments looking for firearms in Dead Island 2, you should know it’ll take a specific action before you can begin to find them as loot. Here’s how to get guns in Dead Island 2.

Dead Island 2 – when do you get guns

Though we said in our Dead Island 2 review that the game’s gunplay is the only downside to an otherwise deep and inventive combat system, don’t let that stop you from trying them yourself. You can find guns all over the semi-open world, but not a single gun will spawn until you reach a certain point in the story.

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Without going into plot details, there’s a main story mission called Justifiable Zombicide which you’ll need to complete in order to get guns to spawn. In fact, you’ll get your first gun during this mission. Afterward, guns will begin spawning as loot in chests and given to you as quest rewards at times.

The list of guns is pretty sizeable, and includes the following classes:

PistolsShotgunsHunting RiflesAutomatic RiflesSubmachine GunsNailguns

Though this list looks short, these are really just the basic classes of guns, and due to customization options and the way loot is randomly assigned perks, you’ll discover gun variety goes far beyond these six basic classes. Like melee weapons, you could realistically have two of the same gun customized in ways so different that they feel totally unlike each other.

For more on Dead Island 2, don’t miss our in-depth tips guide, as well as quick pointers on how to find fuses and fast travel.

Dead Island 2 has you facing the horrors of a zombie apocalypse. You can learn about other mechanics and content in our guides hub.

The Best Weapons In Dead Island 2: Early Weapons, Legendary Weapons, And Best GunsSee More

About Mark Delaney

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