Dead Space Remake Release Date Set For January 2023

The Dead Space remake from EA Motive now has an official release date. As announced in the latest Dead Space stream, the game will release on January 27, 2023 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

The publisher had previously announced that Dead Space would be targeting an early 2023 release date, and this announcement puts it about as early into the year as games tend to get. Before that, it was expected to release in 2022, and reports circulated just ahead of the release window announcement that EA wanted to give it more time.

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Now Playing: Dead Space Remake | Atmospheric Walkthrough

The original Dead Space was created by Visceral Games. It follows an engineer, Isaac Clarke, as he explores a derelict space station that had been compromised by creatures. The original was praised for its creepy atmosphere and the unique combat system, which focused on repurposing Isaac’s engineering tools to slice the limbs off monsters. Those monsters were largely mutated humans, with some recognizable pieces of their humanity alongside their more, let’s say, abomination-like features. Visceral was closed in 2017.

This remake is being made by EA Motive, which previously worked on the flight combat sim Star Wars: Squadrons. It will run on the Frostbite engine and features some modern touches, like more immersive sound design, while striving to remain faithful to the original vision.

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