Deathloop Ads On Xbox Suggest A Launch Is Finally Coming

Following a year-long exclusivity period on PlayStation 5, it seems that Arkane’s time-bending shooter Deathloop is heading to Xbox.

Ads for the Bethesda-published title have started appearing on the Xbox Dashboard, according to several users on Reddit who have been served them. The title results in an error screen when selected, but the existence of the ad and the preorder text suggests that an official announcement isn’t far off. It makes sense, too, given that the game’s release anniversary is this month.

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Now Playing: The Redesign That Saved Deathloop

Despite acquiring Bethesda prior to the launch of Deathloop, Microsoft honored the existing agreement that was made with Sony regarding its release, which locked it onto PS5 for a year (the game also released on PC). Future Bethesda titles, such as Starfield, are set to be exclusive to Xbox platforms going forward, which includes Xbox Series X|S, PC, and cloud gaming.

Deathloop was one of the best games to release in 2021, with GameSpot awarding it a rare 10/10. In our Deathloop review, editor Tamoor Hussain praised the game’s intricate gameplay loop and captivating world, writing, “Perhaps the most laudable part of Deathloop is how it takes so many seemingly disparate things and creates harmony between them.”

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About Alessandro Barbosa

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