Starting sometime in January 2022, players on PlayStation consoles can finally find out what it’s like to be a grog-swilling, asteroid mining dwarf in space. Deep Rock Galactic, the co-op mining first-person shooter from developer Ghost Ship Games is ending its console exclusivity and arriving on PS4 and PS5 sometime next month.
The game, which launched last year for Xbox One and PC, tasks up to four players with digging through asteroids in search of precious metals, gemstones, and other resources. All the while though, they’re assaulted by the threatening insect life that’s grown underground, making each mission a fight to gather resources and get out. Ghost Ship Games has found success with Deep Rock Galactic since it launched, growing the game’s player base to over 3 million.
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Now Playing: Deep Rock Galactic – Official Season 01 Narrated Trailer
Deep Rock Galactic has similarly received constant updates since its original release. The latest content drop for the game added a free battle pass–called a performance pass–that comes with 100 ranks of unlockable content for players, as well as challenges and extra bonuses.
Additionally, even more content will be coming to the game after it’s brought to PlayStation consoles. In a post on Steam, Ghost Ship revealed that Deep Rock Galactic’s second season will launch sometime between March and April 2022, though it will arrive on PC before consoles. Four new secondary weapons are also coming to the game, with one being tailored towards each class. Deep Rock Galactic’s third season is also being planned for next year’s third fiscal quarter.