Destiny 2 Patch Notes Nerf Silver Leaves Exploits And That Ridiculous Hand Cannon

Destiny 2’s latest weekly reset has brought with it a new update, with most of the fixes being focused on the Solstice event. Read on for a look at the patch notes.

Some of the minor fixes include Solstice armor glowing the correct color when a Stasis subclass is equipped, a slight nerf to The Last Word’s damage output, and an end to The Investigation exploit for Silver Leaves.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted – Solstice Trailer

One of the most prominent issues that fans have discovered in the week since the event has gone live is that earning Silver Leaves from certain activities wasn’t guaranteed. With patch, Bungie has addressed that problem and you can expect to get some of the celebratory currency once you successfully complete a run of activities such as Sever missions, the Blind Well, and Nightmare Containment.

One of the other big fixes this week is for the seasonal hand cannon, which was utterly broken when players first got their hands on it. Something New’s key perk, Dreamwork, encouraged you to work with another Guardian to deliver big damage to an enemy. If your teammate delivered the killing blow, then your hand cannon would be refilled with reserve ammo without you needing to reload it.

The problem here was that the Dreamwork perk applied itself to other weapons on your Guardian, regularly overfilling magazines. Players had fun with this, and it wasn’t unusual to see rocket launchers fire off two explosive projectiles before a reload was necessary.

You can read the full patch notes below.

Solstice continues in Destiny 2 this week, and if you’re looking for a few tips, you can check out GameSpot’s guide on all the rewards available during the event, and analysis on whether the Upgraded Event Card is worth spending cash on. You can also check out the latest Iron Banter column, which theorizes that the start of Season 19 could see a major Destiny 2 character meet their maker.

Destiny 2 Update Patch Notes


Fixed an issue that prevented Silver Leaves from being awarded when completing certain activities. Hence the following activities now grant them:

SeverAltar of SorrowNightmare ContainmentBlind WellDares of EternityPatrols

Fixed an issue where The Investigation campaign mission could be exploited for Silver Leaves.

Added weekly rotating modifiers to the Bonfire Bash activity.

Gameplay and Investment

Fixed an issue where this year’s Solstice armor ornaments displayed a purple hue, rather than a blue one, when using a Stasis subclass.Fixed an issue where the Dream Work origin trait would activate for other weapons, allowing overflow for all gear equipped.You all owe a certain dungeon boss an apology.Fixed an issue where The Last Word was doing more damage than intended.

Platforms and Systems

Fixed an issue where the Seashore Pack contents were not being received by players.The Best (And Most Ridiculously Fun) Destiny 2 ExoticsSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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