Destiny 2 Action Figure Locations: Where To Find Lightfall's Hidden Collectibles

Destiny 2‘s Lightfall expansion has dropped and players are no doubt scouring Neomuna’s neon-soaked city streets and roofs for secrets. Among them are new action figure collectibles that are modeled after Neomuna’s favorite Cloudstrider, Nimbus, and are scattered across the war-torn city, reminiscent of Witch Queen’s hunt for Lucent Moths. These collectibles were being rolled out on a weekly basis, but now we’ve got them all, meaning players can complete their Lightfall Triumph and get the accompanying title.

First of all, players can find hints as to where to look for these action figures right by the landing zone where Nimbus is on Neomuna. Once you drop into the city itself, a building just off to the right with neon signage will have a door that reveals a room with displays all over the place. Once you find the action figures, they’ll be shown off in this room. A pair of displays have clues that point players to the general area where they’ll find the figures and give some indication as to where they’re hiding and how to find them. Here’s where and how to find all of Neomuna’s hidden action figures:

Ahimsa Park

The Ahimsa Park hint reads: “At the center of Ahimsa Park, find an unexpected hideaway beneath the stairs.” The figure in Ahimsa Park, Neomuna’s eastern zone, is hiding in a giant central building that players should be able to spot the second they get there.

Head inside the building and look for an L-shaped staircase. If you eye it from the ground at he bottom of the stairs, you’ll notice there’s a pretty sizeable gap between it and the rock the stairs are built on, making a small cave. Jump in there and head to the very back of the cave, where you should find your first Nimbus action figures.

Irkalla Complex

The hint for the Irkalla Complex action figure reads: “Atop the towering rampart, three stalwart defenders stand watch. From muzzle to target; ready, aim—fire!” Buckle up though, because you’re going to need to finish the Lightfall campaign to access the action figure here as this takes place in a setting at the end of the story. Once you’ve beaten the campaign, you’ll be able to access a door that was previously inaccessible, letting you get to the spot where you’re going to need to piece together this riddle. Grab a sniper for this one and get ready for the journey to the Irkalla Complex.

You’re going to want to head into the main section of Neomuna, Zephyr’s Concourse, and look for turnstiles bathed in green light on a raised platform on the western side of the map. Going past the turnstiles will take you into Esi Terminal and you’re going to want to follow the path until you arrive at the other end where a bunch of Cabal are posted up.

Immediately head to the left from this opening, you will spot a door on yet another raised platform and go through it. Once you’re inside, take the right path to the very end and take the exit on the right. You will be overlooking a path of balconies heading down, follow that path until you spot the portal and go through it, where it will take you to the Irkalla Complex.

Once you’re here, you can either go through the hole in the wall and climb it from the inside or use your Strand powers to scale it from the outside. Either way, you want to get on top of the outer wall, where you’ll spot three turrets pointing in different directions. Equip your sniper if you haven’t already, climb on each turret and aim at the sky in the same directions as them. It may take some searching, and you may have to look away and then back, but eventually you should spot a darkness crystal in the cannon’s directions. Shoot it and jump onto the next cannon to do the same. Once you’ve taken out all three crystals, the action figure will appear at your feet on top of the cannon.

Zephyr Concourse

The clue for the action figure in Zephyr Concourse reads: “Volunteer wanted to keep watch over Zephyr Concourse’s finest juice bar. Must remain at post.” If you’ve been running Terminal Overload’s in this zone, you’re roughly familiar with what you’re looking for. There’s an outdoor bar in the southeast section of Zephyr Concourse and you’re going to be picking up a shift behind the bar. On the side facing the stairs headed down, there will be a prompt to activate the activity and you’ll have to deal with a small wave of Cabal who are “thirsty patrons” you need to serve.

They’ll spawn one at a time in a roundabout kind of way, so be sure to circle the entirety of the bar since you can’t actually leave it or the activity will reset. It’ll also reset if you let the patrons get too close to the bar. Once you’ve dealt with the first wave, take out a weapon with a bit more kick (likeDeterministic Chaos) because it’s last call, and you’ll have some belligerent, but more importantly, shielded enemies to take out. Clear them out and the action figure will spawn right by where you activated the activity.

Maya’s Retreat

The clue for Maya’s Retreat’s collectible says: “Three caves, three flames.’ – A note found on the greater bridge.” You’re going to want to head to Liming Harbor way to the south or spawn there at the unlockable landing zone via ranking up with Nimbus. Along the southeast side of this section is a cave that players who have finished the Lightfall campaign will likely recognize. Follow it into the valley that makes up Maya’s Retreat and press through the Vex clearly trying to keep you out until you arrive at this intersection.

As you can see, there’s a cave heading up to the right and one down on the left. Head to the right first as there’s less to do in this direction, and clear out the cave. You’re looking for a golden bow on the ground level that’ll prompt you to activate it, setting it on fire.

Go back out to the intersection and head to the lower cave on the left where you’ll find a second bowl. Keep pressing on to the left and you’ll find a rock pattern to jump to. From here you’re going to have to make one more long jump across a chasm to find the third and final bowl behind a stone pillar.

The action figure should spawn at the foot of the last bowl you ignite.

Liming Harbor

The clue for Liming Harbor’s action figure reads: “Security needed at the central office to keep out intruders. Check the PDA on the crescent desk.” You are appropriately looking for a massive building in the middle of the region that has an opening on the underside, letting you into a tight room with three lanes and a “crescent desk.” Once you activate the PDA, you’ll once again be on bouncer duty like you were at the bar in Zephyr Concourse, only you can’t leave this tiny desk now.

The fights are going to be a little close-quarters, so don’t be afraid to pack your best SMG and shotgun for this relatively short encounter. Once you beat back two waves of intruders, the action figure should pop up on the desk for you to claim.

Esi Terminal

The clue for Esi Terminal’s action figure reads: “A fashionable restaurant with a striking crimson hallway is looking to hire a dishwasher…” Remember that tunnel bathed in green light on Zephyr Concourse west side? You’re going to want to take that to Esi Terminal. Once you reach ESI terminal, hang a left and then a right at the next intersection, just shy of the door you would follow to the Irkalla Complex. Take the stairs down and head into the building on your left to find the high-end restaurant where our entrepreneurial Guardian is once again picking up a new job.

This job is a little simpler than bouncer duty though, and is familiar to anyone who’s played Destiny over the years and dunked a Void or Arc charge. Head to the back room of the restaurant and approach the sink on the left, where you’ll be prompted to start the activity.

In this one, you’re going to want to pick up glowing orbs around the restaurant and dunk them into another sink highlighted by a waypoint. The challenge here is to navigate the restaurant while avoiding the two invincible Cabal Gladiators that have suddenly joined you. Don’t worry, they’re about as savvy as the invincible Cabal we dealt with in the Season of the Haunted and far less dangerous, so this should be a breeze.

Once you’re done washing all the dishes, the collectible should appear over the sink.

Typhon Imperator

The clue for the Typhon Imperator action figure reads: “In the Colosseum, a golden offering to the Radial Mast rests upon the perimeter shelf.” You’re going to want to locate the entrance to the giant Cabal ship with Calus’ head on it from Ahimsa Park. You should’ve done the Lightfall campaign, so make your way to the very end of the ship where you’ll find a circular arena you fought in earlier. Immediately from the entrance, head to your right where you’ll locate a shelf with a button prompt to activate this activity.

A Vex node will appear behind you alongside text that mentions a beacon burning swiftly. It’s time to run, because you need to pick these Vex nodes up in a simple path that’ll lead you through the room before eventually rewarding you with your action figure. The trickiest one of these is after you’ve been led to a ledge overlooking the arena near the end. You might think you need to jump down, but look up and collect the one floating in the air before finishing out the race.

The action figure will eventually appear between a bunch of cables in front of the large gate blocked by a yellow Darkness aura.


The clue for the action figure in Radiosonde reads: “In the mechanical heart of Radiosonde, mark time by a golden engine’s screen, and set it with unconventional dials. But first, get to Radiosonde by way of Liming Harbor. If you’ve got the landing zone there already, just look down and to your right and you’re looking for an opening under a red sign. Once you’re there, follow the stairs you see up, and you might begin to remember this area from one of the earlier Lightfall missions. Fight your way through to the very end of Radiosonde, where you’re looking for an engine that looks like this:

Hit the button prompt on the terminal of the engine and turn around. Above the central doorway are two rows of circular symbols that you’re going to want to shoot in order. If you shoot the correct ones, holographic diamond symbols (like what you found in the Vexcalibur mission) will show up in front of them. The order to hit them is as follows:

Top: 8, 5, 7, 3

Bottom: 4, 1, 6, 2

Knock that out and the action figure should appear at the terminal you used to start the activity.

Striders’ Gate

Finally, we’ve arrived at the last action figure you’ll need to collect to round out the set, and it’s arguably one of the trickier ones. This clue, which only emerges once you’ve placed all the other action figures in their place, reads: “Shall we play a game? A target gallery awaits; your time in lights.”

You don’t need to go hunting for where to activate this activity as it’s in the very same room. Look for the green arcade cabinet with the blank screen in the very back of the room and hit the button prompt to be teleported just outside, where you need to shoot a series of small targets on a timer. Heads up for this challenge, pick something precise and fast to shoot with, like your favorite bow.

Targets, which will appear like explosive cylinders with an orange glow, show up in all of the highlighted areas on the picture and will pop up in sequence (after shooting one) before eventually appearing in waves. The trickiest of these are the canisters that’ll eventually appear on the walls of the buildings on the left and right, so don’t forget them. The other challenge of this activity lies in the timer, which appears as disappearing holographic crystals hovering over the gallery. The only way to extend them is to shoot one of three actual crystals that’ll appear at different times and sections of the gallery. Here’s where to find them and the order in which they appear:

This challenge can be done with other players, and is most easily completed with at least one other set of eyes, so grab a friend if you can. Otherwise, randoms can also join you to complete it. Once you’ve cleared the relatively short but deceptively trying shooting gallery, the last action figure will appear back at the original arcade cabinet.

And that’s all of the Neomuna action figures! If you’re looking for more things to do in Destiny 2,, check out our Lightfall and Season of Defiance guides, including tips on how to get through Lightfall’s legendary campaign and where to find Neomuna’s regional chests.

About Moises Taveras

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