Destiny 2 Choir Of One Exotic Guide: God Rolls, Catalysts, Hidden Chests, And Collectibles

The launch of Echoes Act 3 has added new gear to Destiny 2, including a new Exotic weapon called Choir of One. To get it, you’ll need to complete a new Exotic mission as part of Act 3’s story, which will unlock the ability to craft the Void auto rifle and adjust its perks, complete with catalysts you can progressively unlock. That’ll require multiple completions of the mission, Encore, over multiple weeks, however.

Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about Choir of One: How to get it, where to find the secret chests within the Exotic mission that will unlock its best perks, how to get the catalysts (including the new one for Week 3), and what to focus on for Choir of One god rolls. We also have the rundown on how to get the Vex Countermands in the Encore mission, and where to find the Temporal Anomalies hidden throughout the mission that only become available once you’ve finished Specimen NES009 and reached the Echoes: Epilogue quest.

One thing to be aware of when you do get your hands on it: Choir of One is currently benefiting from some bugs. Bungie has confirmed it’s able to hold more ammo in reserves than intended and, when buffed by Divinity, its hip-fire projectiles are doing more damage than they should. These will be fixed in an update once Episode 2, which begins in October, is live, but that means you can benefit from a better-than-intended version of the gun by getting your hands on it now.

Table of Contents [hide]How To Get Choir Of OneHow To Unlock Choir Of One’s Exotic CatalystsHow To Unlock Choir Of One’s Weapon FramesChoir Of One God RollsChoir Of One PvE God RollChoir Of One PvP God RollHow To Start The Encore Exotic MissionHow To Find Encore Hidden ChestsEncore Hidden Chests – Week 1 (Encore: Overture)Where To Find Specimen 007Complete Specimen NES007Hidden Chest 1: Ancillary Transit HubHidden Chest 2: Back OutsideHidden Chest 3: Aberrant Code ContainmentEncore Hidden Chests – Week 2 (Encore: Concerto)Hidden Chest 4 – Hexahedric MindHidden Chest 5 – Networked Simulation ArchiveEncore Hidden Chests – Week 3 (Encore: Coda)Hidden Chest 6 – Outside Once MoreHidden Chest 7 – The Cube RoomWhere To Find All 7 Vex CountermandsCountermand 1: Outside At The StartCountermand 2: At The First Shadow Legion EncounterCountermand 3: The Column ChamberCountermand 4: Vex Gate PuzzleCountermand 5: At The Fight With Eexonios and IziiraCountermand 6: In The Big Vex FightCountermand 7: In The Ishtar SettlementWhere To Find All 8 Temporal Anomalies For Specimen NES009Temporal Anomaly 1: Outside On The CliffTemporal Anomaly 2: At The First Module PuzzleTemporal Anomaly 3: In The Room Where Vex Fight Shadow LegionTemporal Anomaly 4: Just Before The First Boss FightTemporal Anomaly 5: In The JungleTemporal Anomaly 6: In The Big Cave With The Ishtar DomeTemporal Anomaly 7: At The Second Set Of Ishtar BuildingsTemporal Anomaly 8: In The Networked Simulation Archive Hidden Chest Puzzle Cave

How To Get Choir Of One

The good news is that there are no secret prerequisite to unlock the Encore mission. If you’re caught up on the story of Echoes, you should be able to start Act 3 immediately. The third act begins with a cutscene that gives a better sense of the motivations of villain Maya Sundaresh. When it’s over, head to the HELM and talk to Failsafe.

With new marching orders that are the same as the old marching orders–stop Maya and her plan to take over the entire solar system–your first stop in Act 3’s story will be the Exotic mission. You can launch Encore: Overture from the Director map for the HELM.

Complete the mission and you’ll get both Choir of One and the pattern for crafting it. Like other craftable Exotic weapons, you’ll then need to unlock its three Exotic Catalysts and the ability to change its barrel, magazine, and stock. Encore changes each week to offer new secrets: The first week was Encore: Overture,

How To Unlock Choir Of One’s Exotic Catalysts

As with other craftable Exotics, earning the gun’s different Exotic Catalysts requires you to complete its Exotic mission on the Master difficulty level, while also finding hidden chests found within the mission. There are seven total chests hidden in the mission, but it seems that not all of them are available this week. Expect all the secrets, and therefore all of the Catalysts, to appear within Encore: Overture during the coming weeks as Act 3’s story plays out.

You can add one of three big perks to Choir of One with its additional catalysts:

SubsistenceDestabilizing RoundsOnslaught

Each catalyst is tied to an Exotic quest, which you can pick up from Banshee-44 in the Tower. The first, Choir: Eternal, is now available. To complete the quest and earn the Catalyst, you have to find the first secret chest in the mission, unlock it, and then complete the entire mission on Expert difficulty. We’ve documented where to find all the secret chests in the mission below.

According to the quest, however, you don’t have to find the secret chest during your Expert run–finding the chest in a previous run on normal difficulty will count toward the quest. That means you can find all the secret chests as they become available and then complete a single Expert run after all are added to Encore to unlock all three Catalysts at once.

How To Unlock Choir Of One’s Weapon Frames

Also tied to the hidden chests are three additional weapon frames for Choir of One, and each unlocks the ability to change its barrel, magazine, and stock. You can get the first of those frames now on either the normal or Expert difficulty levels for Encore. Only Command Frame II is currently available, with Command Frame III and Command Frame IV unlocking in later weeks.

To get those frames, you need to track down the hidden chests within Encore, which don’t appear until after your first trip through the mission. Once you’ve completed it, you can head back in to find several new Vex confluxes, those white columns, that you can activate at certain points to unlock puzzles that lead to hidden chests. We’ve got more details on the hidden chests below.

Choir Of One God Rolls

Once you have all the frames and catalysts, you’re free to build out Choir of One as you see fit at the Enclave. The gun is a powerhouse in PvE activities, a lot less so in PvP. It’s recommended you mess around a bit with its different capabilities to get a sense of how you like the gun to perform.

Choir Of One PvE God Roll

Barrel: Fluted Barrel Stability +5, Handling +15Magazine: Flared Magwell Stability +5, Reload Speed +15Stock: Composite Stock Stability +5, Handling +5


Subsistence Refit Defeating targets partially reloads this weapon’s magazine from reserves.

For an auto rifle in PvE, Stability is the stat that will probably serve you best, making it easy to actually land shots over a long period; Handling is next, so you can swap guns quickly and keep pouring on the pain. Our choices for Choir of One lean in those directions, with Flared Magwell included to speed up reloading, which can be a bit slow here. You can also try Steady Rounds in that position for more Stability, especially since the recommendation is the Subsistence catalyst.

You pretty much can’t go wrong with any of the catalysts, and it’s worth adjusting Choir of One based on how you’re using it and what you like best–Destabilizing Rounds turning tons of enemies volatile is always fun, and Onslaught speeds up your rate of fire as you kill enemies so you can dump more damage more quickly. But Subsistence is the recommendation because of Choir of One’s ammo economy, which isn’t great, and Bungie has made mention that it means to nerf it in the future. Subsistence keeps Choir of One firing without having to stop as often, which is generally more fun to play.

Choir Of One PvP God Roll

Barrel: Smallbore Stability +7, Range +7Magazine: Accurized Rounds Range +10Stock: Hand-Laid Stock Stability +10Catalyst: Onslaught Refit Final blows with this weapon increase its rate of fire.

Choir of One isn’t really designed for PvP–its additional catalysts don’t add much against other players. Onslaught is your best bet here, as the increased rate of fire bonus at least lets you put more bullets down range if you get a kill. Stability and Handling are still important, but you can also lean into Range here, which is more useful in the Crucible. Smallbore and Accurized Rounds can max out Range without sacrificing too much Stability, but it comes at the expense of Handling, so you might want to mess around with those three stats and find what’s most comfortable and effective for you.

How To Start The Encore Exotic Mission

Once you’re in Encore, finding your way can be a little difficult. You’re looking for a ramp on the right side of the first arena that will take you up along the right side of the area.

At the top of the ramp, when you can’t go any higher, look off the side to the ground below. You should see a big white stone ball with a hole in it. That’s your path. Go through and then jump across the chasm to continue through an extended platforming section.

How To Find Encore Hidden Chests

The hidden chests in Encore won’t appear the first time you go through the mission. However, you also need to find a key quest item as you make your way through the mission in order to complete the first part of Echoes Act 3’s story. Finding that key item unlocks the Nessus Specimen 007 quest with Failsafe, which you need to complete in order to unlock new elements in Encore: Overture to find the hidden chests.

Encore Hidden Chests – Week 1 (Encore: Overture)

Where To Find Specimen 007

As you make your way through Encore: Overture, you’ll eventually reach Maya Sundaresh’s lab, which you’ll know from the bodies of Exos and a giant Exo head as you enter. When you get there, you should see a meter on your screen marked Proximity Sensor–the sensor Failsafe uses to help you find specimens when you’re wandering Nessus. Look for a body lying on the ground on the left side of the hallway near the entrance to find the Specimen item you’re searching for. You’ll know you’ve found it when you start to hear an audio log from Maya Sundaresh documenting one of her experiments.

Complete Specimen NES007

Head back to Failsafe after completing Encore: Overture and continue the Act 3 story until you get the Specimen NES007 quest. It’s not particularly difficult to complete, but can be a bit on the time-consuming side. The first step requires you to kill 100 Vex enemies with Solar damage, which you can do quickly in either an Echoes activity, like Breach Executable, or in Nessus Lost Sectors such as The Orrery, located in The Artifact area.

After getting your pile of Vex kills, you’ll be tasked with collecting Vex data and defeating Vex bosses. These two objectives are achievable pretty quickly in Breach Executable events; you’ll probably complete both in a single event, and definitely within two.

Next, you’ll need to knock out rapid kills on Vex enemies. Again, Breach Executable is a pretty easy way to get this done, since there are a ton of Vex enemies for you to fight throughout the event. We cleared this requirement in one Breach Executable event. The Orrery is another good alternative to find a lot of Vex grouped together so you can kill them quickly and easily.

With all those steps done, return to Failsafe to complete the Specimen 007 quest, which will earn you a new upgrade for the episode, unlocking a new “hub” within Encore: Overture. You’ll need that access to find the first batch of hidden chests in the Exotic quest.

Hidden Chest 1: Ancillary Transit Hub

Make your way through Encore: Overture until you reach the point where you ride the two hammer-like blocks that drop from above, taking you into some tight tunnels in the walls. The path forward is lit and purple, and when you drop down, you’ll see a message on your screen saying that MSund12 is connecting to your network. From here on, you’ll see messages from Maya Sundaresh commenting on your progress through the mission.

The path forward is lit in blue, but if you look to the left, you’ll see a smaller opening in the wall, marked by a blinking light. If you go through that passage on the left, you’ll enter a round room with several inactive Vex gates and a white Vex conflux in the center. Activating the conflux activates the Ancillary Transit Hub and gives you a puzzle to solve, but it’s a pretty simple one.

Look for four Vex cubes to appear in the center of the room. You need to shoot and destroy these in a specific order, but it’s easy to see–just look for a smaller, brighter cube to appear beneath the cube you need to shoot. Once you’ve shot all four cubes in order, four more cubes will appear around the edge of the room, one in front of each Vex gate (including one behind you). Again, the brighter cubes will appear near the cube you need to shoot, dictating the order. Zap all four of these cubes and a chest will appear in the center of the room.

Hidden Chest 2: Back Outside

Keep moving through the level. Ahead you’ll find the first puzzle in which you use Vex Modules to manipulate the level. The first puzzle eventually lets you cross a big chasm. Keep moving until you run into Vex fighting Shadow Legion enemies in a big, wide-open room, immediately after the room with the large columns that house platforms covered with plants.

Clear this room out and kill the enemies, and you’ll finally get hold of a yellow Partition module, dropped by a Minotaur. When you plug it in at the back of the room, the wall will disappear to open the way forward. Just beyond that, you’ll enter a room with a Planetary Piston, which you can use to get Radiolite. There will also be another Vex conflux in the center of the room. Activating it opens the portal to your right.

Go through the portal and you’ll return to the Ancillary Transit Hub, where another portal will be open and waiting for you. Travel through it and you’ll find yourself back at the start of the level, in the outdoor area where you had to climb up the ramp to jump into that big white stone ball. Head toward the cliff ahead of you and find a Vex conflux. When you activate it, a short timer will appear on your screen. You need to find several Vex plates hidden on walls and shoot them before the timer runs out.

The plates aren’t too hard to find, but you need to be speedy in getting around this large, wide-open area in order to be successful. When standing near the conflux, look for hazy white lines emanating out in different directions. These are energy connections to the plates and you can follow them to find the objects you need to shoot. Note that the energy line that looks like it goes toward that free-standing column in the middle of the area actually goes past it, with the plate you’re looking for being on the pile of cubic stones behind.

With all the plates cleared, a chest will appear where the conflux was, which will reward you with Command Frame II for Choir of One.

Hidden Chest 3: Aberrant Code Containment

The last conflux appears in Maya’s lab, right before you enter the boss room. Again, it’s directly in the center of the path, so you can’t miss it. Use it to activate a Vex portal and return to Ancillary Transit, then enter another portal that’ll take you to Aberrant Code Containment.

Here, you’ll find five inactive Vex portals and two blue Access Vex modules, which you can use to activate the portals. If you plug one in, you’ll see that the portal creates a white line of energy to one of the orange diamonds over the other portals. This line indicates where the portal will take you, as there’s a second floor to this room above that’s segmented into five areas.

If you go through the Vex portal, you’ll see what you’re up against. On the second floor, each portal empties out into one of the five chambers above, and in each chamber is a pink Data pod, as you’ll have seen in the Breach Executable and Enigma Protocol activities. You need to get to each of the five chambers and destroy each Data pod to complete the puzzle. There are some wrinkles, though: First, there’s a line of energy running between the Data pods, and some of them are shielded. You need to destroy the Data pods in a particular order to drop the shields, starting with the two that are at either end of the line and moving inward.

Second, once you destroy a Data pod, a timer will start on the connected pods. If you don’t destroy the next pod in the sequence before the timer runs out, it’ll repair the next pod in the line, undoing your work.

The puzzle isn’t particularly difficult, but you do need to be quick about it and pay attention to each portal’s destination when you open it to make sure you’re going to the right places. After all five data pods are destroyed, the chest will spawn in the middle of the room.

Encore Hidden Chests – Week 2 (Encore: Concerto)

The second group of secret chests are access from the same places as the first week, but before you grab them, you’ll want to check with Failsafe to pick up the Specimen NES008 mission–you might need to complete some of the weekly Echoes story content to get it. Specimen 008 is located at one of the hidden chests this week, so it’s best to knock out both at the same time. You can also now go to the Tower and speak to Banshee-44 to pick up the quest to unlock the weapon catalysts for Choir of One.

This week’s hidden chests are accessible in the same places as last week’s, by activating various Vex confluxes that turn on Vex portals that return you to Ancillary Transit. You’ll also be able to get to the previous group of hidden chests, so you can grab them on your way through for a few extra rewards.

To start this batch of hidden chests, make your way through the mission until you reach the Ancillary Transit hub and activate the conflux you find there. Once again, you’ll have to shoot the Vex cubes around the room in order as they’re marked by a smaller white cube. See Hidden Chest 1 if you need additional explanation.

Hidden Chest 4 – Hexahedric Mind

Continue through the mission until you reach the first conflux, which is right after the fight in which you battle first Shadow Legion enemies and then a handful of Vex, before using a Vex Partition module to go through the wall. Activate the conflux and go through the portal. You’ll find two portals open now; the left one takes you to the puzzle for last week’s hidden chest, while the one straight across takes you to the new one.

Your goal here is to kill the big Vex boss in the center of the room, the Hexahedric Mind. When you first arrive, however, it’s invulnerable. To take down its shield, you’ll need to access the portals around the room to find the correct Vex cube and shoot it.

Step into the white pool and then kill the Vex Minotaur that spawns and grab the Access module it drops, which you can use to activate the portals. Once you have that, look up at the white force fields surrounding the room. You’ll notice that like in one of the puzzles in the first group of hidden chests, these are marked by orange nodes, show you that they connect to the Vex gates around the room. One of the white walls will also have the little white Vex cube floating in front of it, which shows you which wall you’re trying to get behind.

To access the area behind the wall, use the Access module to turn on the Vex gates. A white line from the node over the gate to the nodes over the white walls will show you where the gate will send you, so find the one that corresponds to the wall that’s marked with the white cube. Go through the gate, and on the inside, you’ll find three Vex cubes hidden in alcoves through the area. One of those cubes will be marked with another glowing white cube, indicating that it’s the one you should shoot.

When you blast the correct cube, the Hexahedric Mind will come to life and will be vulnerable to attack, but the room below you will also fill with enemies. Lay into the boss until you knock out a third of its health, at which point it’ll take a knee again and reactivate its shield. Clear the room, drop back down, and repeat the process twice more to kill the boss. Destroying it will get you your first hidden chest and a new frame for Choir of One.

Before you leave, be sure to check the destroyed boss to pick up Specimen NES008. Return to Failsafe later to start that mission.

Hidden Chest 5 – Networked Simulation Archive

The second hidden chest in Encore: Concerto is accessed through the conflux in Maya’s lab, right before the boss fight. When you go through Ancillary Transit, it’s the portal on the left side of the room as you enter.

The gate here will take you to a fairly dark underground cave, and you’ll quickly notice a new kind of Vex module, colored red and labeled as Deletion. Next to the consoles that take the modules are red walls you can’t pass through without dying. You need to hunt down the module to open the walls in order to advance, but your real goal here is to find four Vex Countermand items, which look like big round mechanical eyes.

First, head all the way to the back of the cave, as far as you can go without a module. You’ll find a Vex Minotaur there called a Deletion Module Bearer. Kill it and pick up the module, and then look for a white wall of Vex-like architecture to the right of where you entered this cavern. As you approach the wall, the Countermand bot will appear for you to claim it.

Watch the bottom-left corner of your screen for the Unknown Proximity Signal meter to appear–that will help you find your way to each of the Countermands.

With the Deletion module in-hand, head all the way back to the beginning of the puzzle, near the Vex gate that brought you here, and plug the module into the first console and red wall you found. Head through to find another Vex Minotaur. Kill it and pick up another Deletion module, and then turn left to another red wall right next to you. Use the new module to open it and go through to find the second Countermand item.

With two Deletion modules, you can now open the second Deletion door in the main section of the cave. Take the module from the door you just plugged it into and go back out toward the Vex gate, then follow the path to the next Deletion door and open it. Go back and get the other module to open the second door just beyond. Grab the third Countermand item inside.

Grab your Deletion modules and head back to the first Deletion wall near the Vex gate. Go inside and make your way forward until you find a second Deletion wall, which you can open with the second module. Just through the wall, immediately turn to the right and you’ll see a path that goes around a corner. You’ll find another Minotaur waiting patiently–kill it to get an Access module.

Now head back around the corner to find a Vex gate waiting for you and plug your module into it. Go through and kill one last Vex Minotaur to grab a Partition module, then continue forward to find to get the last Vex Countermand eye. Claim it to get the hidden chest and a new audio log, and use the Partition module to leave the area. This chest is tied to the second Choir of One catalyst, so you’re set to earn that when it becomes available as part of the Exotic quest.

Encore Hidden Chests – Week 3 (Encore: Coda)

The final two hidden chests are accessed through Ancillary Transit, just like the others. And just like last week, you’ll want to drop by Failsafe and pick up the Specimen NES009 mission from the vendor menu, as the specimen is waiting for you at the last hidden chest. Before starting the mission, be sure to follow story mission, which will first dispatch you to Neomuna to pick up data on Chioma Esi before you start Encore. If you don’t do this part of the story quest, you won’t load into the correct version of Encore–you’ll get last week’s mission, Concerto, instead of this week’s, Coda.

As before, continue into the mission until you see the hole that’s lit purple where you drop down, and take the path around the corner to the left where the light is blinking to reach the Ancillary Transit Hub. Activate the Conflux there, then shoot the Vex cubes that spawn in the order dictated; whichever cube has a smaller white cube in front of it is the one you want to shoot. You’ll destroy eight in all and get a message about needing to activate additional confluxes to access the hub.

Hidden Chest 6 – Outside Once More

Continue through the mission until you get to the fight between the Shadow Legion and the Vex, where you’ll pick up a yellow Partition module from a Vex Minotaur and then destroy a wall. Ahead is the conflux in the middle of the room; activate it to open the portal to Ancillary Transit.

On the other side of the portal, you’ll find two Vex gates are active in Ancillary Transit. Take the one to the left (the one across from you takes you to a puzzle you’ve already completed, which you can do again for some bonus rewards if you feel like it). You’ll find yourself back at the outside area at the beginning of the mission, where you activated a conflux and then show bronze plates to unlock Hidden Chest 1. This time, however, if you turn right toward the spot where you first spawn into the Exotic mission, you’ll find a second conflux. This is the one you want to activate.

The puzzle here isn’t difficult to solve but it is a little bit annoying to execute on. Activating the conflux spawns in three Independent Variable Minotaurs, along with a timer. The idea here is that you need to kill the Minotaurs before the timer runs out, but that can be annoying because they can soak up a lot of damage, and as you’ve seen throughout the mission elsewhere, they’ll teleport around and give you the slip.

There’s not much more to this, however. The first Minotaur spawns right next to you on your left if you’re facing back out toward the open area. The second is more or less near the edge of the cliff, near the radiolaria river and waterfall. The last is to the left, near the Vex gate you used to get here. Keep in mind, however, they might move around and may be far from these locations, so watch your radar. If you’ve completed Specimen NES008, you can also use the Vex data node (the floating diamond in the middle of the area) to temporarily disable the Minotaurs, which can make them easier to deal with.

When you’re all dead, you’ll receive the last of Choir of One’s frames from the hidden chest.

Hidden Chest 7 – The Cube Room

Continue on until you reach Maya Sundaresh’s Exo lab, right before the final boss fight, and the last conflux. Make sure to interact with the last Exo mind on the floor as you go by to complete this week’s story. When you go through the portal to Ancillary Transit, all three Vex gates will be active. The only one that’s never been on before is on the right side–that’s the one to take.

The portal takes you to a big cave with a big, cube-shaped forcefield in the center of it, blocking off what’s inside. There are two Vex Hydras in the room that you need to destroy, and once you do, Vex plates will spawn at each of the corners where those Hydras were waiting for you. If you stand on a plate, it creates creates two round passageways, one going in either direction. There are also four locations around the cube, one for each wall, where you can use green Connection modules. When the Hydras are dead, enemies will spawn near the portal you came through, including a Minotaur that will drop a Vex Cranium you can pick up and use to fire a laser beam. There’s also a Connection module on the ground that you’ll need.

If you plug the Connection module into any of the consoles around the cube, you’ll see that it spawns several objects, including an angled piece of metal outside the cube and several inside, along with some metal rings. You should recognize the idea here from Breach Executable missions: You want to shoot the laser from one of the Vex plates through the rings so that it hits the angled metal and goes into the cube, bouncing off the other pieces until it activates all the rings inside.

Plug the Connection module into the console in front of the Vex gate. Facing the cube, go to the plate at the corner to your left. Standing on it, face toward the gate and shoot the laser into the angled metal piece. You might need to move a bit to make a complete connection, but after a second, you should see a big flash and a message that says “Partition Weakened,” meaning you’ve successfully solved this side.

Take the Connection module and head to the back of the room and repeat the process. Plug the Connection module into the console on the back face of the cube (opposite where the gate it) and shoot it from the plate on the left. That’ll clear the second partition.

For the last two, you’ll need two Connection modules, but luckily, a Vex forcefield at the back of the room will drop after the second partition comes down, exposing another module. Kill the Vex Goblins that spawn in front of it. Go to the left around the side of the cube and plug this module into the console there. Leave the one on the back face of the cube plugged in where it is.

Standing on the plate, face the opening on the left rather, where last time you shot to the right. That’ll bounce the laser through both sets of angled metal pieces, clearing all the rings and knocking out the third partition.

Do all that one more time at the other side of the room, where the Vex gate is. Plus Connection modules into the console at the gate and the one to its left, then stand on the Vex plate at the corner and shoot to the left. Again, you might have to tweak the alignment a bit, but that should clear the last partition. If you run out of Vex Cranium ammo, head to the back of the room where the Minotaur will respawn so you can get another one.

The cube will disappear, allowing you into the center of the cave and to the chest. Specimen NES009 is waiting on the nearby table, so grab that on your way, as you’ll need it to continue the Echoes story.

Where To Find All 7 Vex Countermands

I can’t say for sure, but it appears that completing the Vex Countermand puzzle alters the Encore mission, with seven Vex Countermand objects now hidden throughout, which your Unknown Proximity Sensor will pick up as you make your way through the mission. Finding all of these earns you the Identify Friend/Foe Triumph and earns you a new specimen for the HELM, which you’ll need to complete all the Triumphs for the Echoes Triumph seal. Here’s where you can find each of the Countermands.

Countermand 1: Outside At The Start

The easiest way to get to the first Countermand is to enter the Encore mission normally, climbing the big ramp on the right side of the beginning area, and then jumping down into the hole in the white concrete orb below. As soon as you get inside, walk forward until you see a hole in the ground in front of you that you need to jump over. If you look down, you’ll see that there’s a floor and an opening below.

Drop down the hole to the lower area and follow the path, which will take you back outside to a cliff’s edge. You’re now just below the starting area of the mission, and the Proximity Sensor should take you straight to the Countermand, just to the right of the cave opening you exited from. You can climb back up the cliff using the platforms left of the Countermand.

Countermand 2: At The First Shadow Legion Encounter

The first time you fight the Shadow Legion inside the Vex structure is also the first time you encounter the Vex Module mechanic. You’ll see the green module console ahead of you, with a huge gap just beyond that you need to use the module to bridge. To your right, a dropship brings Shadow Legion troops, and the normal path takes you around the corner into the area where you use the modules for the first time.

Instead of advancing, jump up to the platforms just above you to find the second Countermand.

Countermand 3: The Column Chamber

After clearing the first module puzzle, you’ll create a bridge that takes you over the big gap and then enter a huge room with giant columns scattered throughout, all of which have a break in the middle where plants are growing. Follow the normal path to the Vex launcher that shoots you up to a set of platforms. Turn right instead of left to find the Countermand sitting at the end of a thin plank of Vex architecture.

Countermand 4: Vex Gate Puzzle

Next up, you’ll fight Shadow Legion enemies followed by a group of Vex, before using a Partition module to open the wall to continue forward. Beyond that, you’ll encounter the next permutation on the Module mechanic with the Access module, which allows you to activate Vex gates. Use the first Access module to turn on the first gate and enter the big round room with a round central platform. Turn around and go behind the Vex gate you just used to find the Countermand on a ledge against the wall.

Countermand 5: At The Fight With Eexonios and Iziira

The first boss fight of the Encore mission is just ahead, where you’ll battle a Subjugator and a Tormentor, first separately and then together. The final portion of the battle takes place outside on a big round platform, but after you defeat both bosses, don’t leave. Instead, look around the right side of the platform with the reward chest and the Vex gate you’ll use to exit to find the Countermand.

Countermand 6: In The Big Vex Fight

Move forward until you see your first few Ishtar structures, in a large cave where you’ll fight a Vex Hydra, several elite Vex Minotaurs, and two Vex Wyverns, as well as a handful of Vex Harpies. When it’s safe, check around the back of the big domed building in the center of the cave, where the Countermand is waiting.

Countermand 7: In The Ishtar Settlement

Next, before you head on to the boss fight, you’ll go outside to a big area with more Ishtar buildings and a few Vex to fight. Look for the Countermand on top of the stone column right in the center of everything. Make sure you grab it before you use the Vex gate that’ll take you to Maya’s Exo lab and then to the mission’s final boss fight.

With all seven Countermands nabbed, claim the Triumph and you’ll get a new specimen to add to the HELM, right next to Captain Jacobson’s enclosure.

Where To Find All 8 Temporal Anomalies For Specimen NES009

After finding all the hidden chests, finishing Encore: Coda, and seeing the end of the Episode Echoes story, you’ll still have one thing to do: Specimen NES009. You should have grabbed it when you unlocked Hidden Chest 7, and returning the Failsafe will give you the rest of the Specimen mission to complete.

Once you’re done with NES009, a new quest will unlock, called Echoes: Epilogue. This is a story-based quest that gives you a deeper look into Maya Sundaresh’s mind and her relationship with Chioma, but it requires you to go back into Encore one last time to find another eight collectibles.

First, follow the quest as it sends you to Braytech Exoscience on Europa. There, you’ll find a glowing purple ball; when you activate it, you’ll hear an audio message from Sundaresh. The next step sends you back into Encore to find eight more of those glowing purple balls hidden throughout the mission.

Important! As you make your way through Encore, make sure you stop and activate Ancillary Transit–the big Vex gate network that takes you to the hidden chests. Only one of the Temporal Anomalies is accessible through Ancillary Transit, but it’s the last one, and therefore the most annoying one possible if you forget to activate the gates and have to run the whole mission over again.

Temporal Anomaly 1: Outside On The Cliff

The first anomaly is right at the start of the mission. Clear the area, then, with your back to where you start, head to the cliff’s edge ahead and follow it left.

Near the far left side you should see a place where you can drop down onto some platforms and right angles jutting out from the wall. The anomaly is tucked among them.

You can also reach this place by going through the hole in the big white orb to start the mission and dropping down through the first hole you come across, which puts you on a path that exits to a lower place on the cliff. Climb up to your left and you’ll pass the anomaly as you ascend.

Temporal Anomaly 2: At The First Module Puzzle

Make your way through Encore until you reach the first room where you find the Vex modules. As you enter the room, you’ll pick up a module and the floor behind you disappears. Head around the corner to the left side of the room; on your left is the Vex conflux behind a forcefield, and on your right is the console.

Keep moving to the wall ahead of you and turn left. You should be facing the forcefield wall with the conflux behind it, but now looking down a small alley just to the right of the conflux. The anomaly is hidden here, at its end.

Temporal Anomaly 3: In The Room Where Vex Fight Shadow Legion

After crossing the big chasm following the first module puzzle, you’ll go through the large room with the columns that each have a small garden on them, and then continue up to a room where a big fight is happening between Shadow Legion and Vex forces.

You need to clear this room in order to spawn a Minotaur that then drops a yellow Partition module. With your back to the door you entered from, head around the round room to the left, where the anomaly sits just out of sight.

Temporal Anomaly 4: Just Before The First Boss Fight

Right after the room where you found the last anomaly, you’ll take a Vex elevator up and enter a room to a room with a puzzle using Vex gates. The idea is to get two blue Access modules and a Connection module to open the way forward to the battle with the Subjugator and Tormentor.

Work your way through the puzzle so that you reach the last section, where you pass through a Vex gate and plug in a Connection module to create a path to the last gate. When you get there, don’t open the last gate; instead, turn around and face the one you just passed through. The anomaly is just to the right of it.

Temporal Anomaly 5: In The Jungle

Right after defeating the Subjugator and Tormentor bosses, the Vex gate that lets you exit the arena takes you to another section of jungle.

You have some walking to do along the path here, but just keep an eye on the left wall, behind the bushes, to spot the next anomaly. If you hit the spot where you have to drop down, you’ve gone too far.

Temporal Anomaly 6: In The Big Cave With The Ishtar Dome

Next up is a big cave room with the first Ishtar dome buildings that appear in the mission, as well as some tough Vex enemies, including two Wyverns, three Independent Variable Minotaurs, and a Hydra, alongside a bunch of Harpies. You need to clear them out to continue forward.

As you enter the room, if you turn left, you’ll see the Vex Harpy floating above a small ravine. The anomaly is down there, at the lowest point of the room.

Temporal Anomaly 7: At The Second Set Of Ishtar Buildings

Moving out of the cave with the first Ishtar buildings, you’ll come around a corner to an outside area where more buildings are set. To your right is a Vex Hydra flying in the air, in the center of the area should now be a Compelled Cabal Colossus, and a handful of Harpies round out the enemy forces. Clear them out but don’t advance through the Vex gate yet.

Instead, look for the anomaly right next to where you enter this area. It’s tucked against a wall immediately to the right of the Vex marble architecture on the path here. If you face the Vex gate (or where the Hydra was), turn right and you’ll spot it easy.

Temporal Anomaly 8: In The Networked Simulation Archive Hidden Chest Puzzle Cave

The final temporal anomaly is actually secreted away in one of the Hidden Chest puzzles you can access through Ancillary Transit. This is the puzzle for Hidden Chest 5 above, the one that requires you to use a couple of Deletion modules top open various forcefields so you can find hidden Vex Countermand objects. Use the conflux

Use the Hidden Chest 5 portion above to make your way through the puzzle, as the anomaly is all the way at the end. The basics here are that you need to open each of the red forcefields using Deletion modules in order to pick up the four Vex Countermand objects the Proximity Sensor will lead you to. Grabbing each one unlocks parts of the puzzle going forward, so you can’t skip to the end.

When you reach the final room, the anomaly is out in the open just to the right of the last Countermand. Nabbing it gets you the last bit of Echoes: Epilogue story and the Before Aurora emblem.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape – Episode: Echoes Season Pass Gear And ExoticsSee More

About Phil Hornshaw

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