Destiny 2 Copyright Strikes Hit High-Profile Creators–And Bungie

Part of Destiny 2’s longevity comes from an active fanbase that creates new media around the franchise, but content creators recently reported a flurry of copyright strikes on their videos. MyNameIsByf and Aztecross are two of the more high-profile names who cover Destiny, with each creator claiming that their recent content had been demonetized.

What makes this situation odd is that even Bungie has not been immune to copyright strikes, as the company’s own Destiny 2 content on its official YouTube has been affected. Bungie hasn’t revealed who’s behind the DMCA takedowns, but it did confirm that it is investigating the issue.

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A third party is likely the culprit here, as Bungie added that its partners were not involved in any copyright strike notifications.

When it comes to fan creations, Bungie has generous guidelines for what the community can do. If a video has at least 20% of the content within created by the player, then Bungie has no problem with them being uploaded and monetized. This includes custom commentary, animations, graphics, or gameplay, which creators such as Byf use to make a living from producing digital content.

With a copyright strike, those creators come perilously close to having their main source of income blocked off, as Google will permanently remove a channel from YouTube if it gets three strikes within 90 days. Just getting a single copyright strike can be damaging as well, as a user won’t be allowed to upload a new video for a week, in addition to other restrictions.

For more on Destiny 2, Bungie has outlined what activities players can look forward to in Season of the Risen and weapon crafting is getting an overhaul. You can also catch up on the latest Iron Banter feature, which goes into more detail on the latest raid and what it means for the future of Destiny 2.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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