Destiny 2 Deepsight: How To Unlock Tier 2 And Tier 3 In The Witch Queen

Deepsight is a new mechanic–akin to Season of the Lost’s Truesight–that lets Guardians seek out secrets of Savathun’s queendom, and it’s a core part of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen’s adventure. They’re the black, smoky auras with a bright center that you can activate to reveal things that are hidden. Guardians get access to Deepsight Tier 1 in The Witch Queen campaign–which lets you see through walls, follow footsteps, see runes, and reveal platforms to reach places you normally couldn’t.

These are scattered everywhere, and you’ve probably stumbled upon Deepsight locations that ask for Deepsight Tier 2 and Tier 3–but the story doesn’t progress your Deepsight Tier rank, our Hive Ghost friend Fynch does. You can unlock additional Tiers by leveling up with Fynch; players get Deepsight Tier 2 at Rank 11 and Deepsight Tier 3 at Rank 13.

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Deepsight Tier 2 and Tier 3 push for further exploration of Savathun’s Throne World–beyond what The Witch Queen campaign offers–where players can find chests and other secrets. One of the main uses for Deepsight is to find timed Deepsight chests–you can check your Throne World triumphs to keep count–these timed chests are puzzles that use jumping, lighting torches, or runic mechanics to open chests while Deepsight is active.

Leveling up with Fynch

Each Throne World Reputation Rank for Fynch is 1000 points, and ranking up with Fynch gives you reputation rank engrams when you reach a new rank. You can also get Throne World weapons, the new Veritas armor, access to replayable weekly missions, and the higher-difficulty Wellspring activity from the Rank Rewards category, which goes to Rank 30. Gear unlocked in your Rank Rewards can drop in Wellspring too.

Leveling up Fynch may seem overwhelming, but you have many ways of ranking up and figuring out the best method for your playstyle. We have a few different ways to climb up the Throne World Ranks and how much you earn from completing various activities and collecting items.

Getting the most reputation rank points

You can get 250 points from regional chests in Savathun’s Throne World–these golden chests are marked on the map–but you are only allowed to loot each regional chest once. Completing Altars of Reflection weekly missions and finding secrets like Lucent Moths gives 250 points, as well. Throne World activities and weekly missions at high difficulty give 225 rank points.

Deepsight chest farm in Alluring Curtain, Miasma, and Queen’s Bailey

You can earn 200 from Deepsight timed chests–these chests will always give you 200 rank reputation points. It quickly became an easy farming method to rank up with Fynch after acquiring Deepsight Tier 3. Players found farming the chests in the Alluring Curtain area of Savathun’s Throne World a methodical way to reach rank 30 without needing to rely on other activities.

There’s a Deepsight Tier 3 location on the bridge right when you enter the Alluring Curtain from the Quagmire area and another Deepsight point when you jump down from the tall pillars onto the platform near there. If you’re able to, you can grab the first chest above the bridge and float over to the location of the second one within the Deepsight time limit. Collecting both chests gives a total of 400 points, players can then leave the region and re-enter to rinse and repeat.

You can also head down to Witch’s Echo, near the back of the Miasma region, which has a chest in the round hall after the tunnel. After grabbing that chest, enter the nearby portal to grab the next chest right beside you by completing the torch lighting puzzle. Run back out of the portal and re-enter the Witch’s Echo to repeat the steps.

Queen’s Bailey, which is right above Fluorescent Canal, has three Deepsight Tier 3 locations that give 200 points per secret chest, as well. There are two chests outside and one inside the building. Just like the others, you can exit the area to refresh Queen’s Bailey and do it all over again–you can’t summon a sparrow here so run back to Fluorescent Canal as fast as you can. This farm lets you grab three chests which give a total of 600 rank points, whereas the other two methods give 400 in a single run.

Even if farming for chests isn’t your thing, doing a few helps progress through the ranks, and you can always go back to doing other activities.

Throne World activities and ranking up before Deepsight Tier 3

Although farming secret chests is reserved for players that already have Deepsight Tier 3, you can do a multitude of activities to get to that point. Wellspring is another activity where you can earn 125 points from completing it on normal difficulty–if you’re trying to get complete Report: Relic Data quest you might be raking up these reputation ranks. Also, completing replayable story missions on the lowest power level rewards you with 150 rank reputation points, Heroic public events give 130 points, and normal public events give you 120 points.

Throne World patrols, defeating a Lightbearer Hive enemy, incomplete public events, doing regular Lost Sectors, defeating high-value targets, and completing bounties from Fynch don’t give too many points, but these objectives can be done in conjunction with other activities when roaming around the Throne World. For example, Fynch’s quest called Trust Goes Both Ways asks Guardians to find regional chests, and while working on that, players should grab patrols and join public events–it’s like killing two Hive worms with one stone, lessen the grind by doing the most with your time.

Farming Fundamental Osmium and chests

The least amount of rank reputation points come from picking up Fundamental Osmium and opening chests–they give you 20 rank points each–yet they’re the easiest way to farm your way up the ranks. You won’t really even need to try to find them most of the time because you’ll come across these when running around the Throne World. However, to efficiently locate Fundamental Osmium and chests you need to apply the Combo Detector or Wombo Detector mod in the second slot on your Ghost that detects chests and resources within a couple of meters range. Deepsight Tier 2 chests also give you 20 points.

Getting Rank 30

At Rank 30, you get the Throne World Engram Upgrade as your Rank Reward which gives you Throne World weapons you’ve acquired and a stack of Resonant Alloys–engrams will no longer give you weapons from the general world drops anymore. If you want a better rolled Funnelweb SMG or any new Foundry weapon from increasing your reputation rank with Fynch then do not pick up the Rank 30 Throne World Engram Upgrade.

If you’ve completed The Witch Queen campaign and need something else to do beyond ranking up with Fynch, you can catch up on weekly seasonal challenges and activities for Season of the Lost, work towards the Dead Messenger Exotic grenade launcher, or prepare for the upcoming Vow of the Disciple raid on March 5.

About Saniya Ahmed

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