Destiny 2 Finally Removes The Most Annoying Dialogue In The Game

With the release of the Season of the Chosen, Bungie put out a big update to Destiny 2 that made several major adjustments and fixed a bunch of bugs. Not all those changes made it into the patch notes for Update 3.1.0, though–including one that removed an annoying bit of dialogue that’s been plaguing the game since it was first released.

That piece of dialogue comes from Suraya Hawthorne, the Clan vendor in the Tower, and plays every time you complete Hawthorne’s weekly clan challenge. In its This Week at Bungie blog, the developer noted that the dialogue has now been removed. Presumably, all Guardians are currently rejoicing.

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The Hawthorne dialogue has been exactly the same since the release of Destiny 2, and even though three years of story advancements have come and gone since then, Hawthorne would still spend quite a while talking about players’ accomplishments from the conclusion of Destiny 2’s vanilla story campaign, the Red War. But the issue wasn’t just that Hawthorne’s dialogue hasn’t been updated in three years–it’s that you would hear it a lot.

Players have been complaining about Hawthorne’s dialogue for a while, because whether we wanted it or not, Hawthorne always had time to explain. Each week, players can complete a challenge for Hawthorne that has you contributing a certain amount of experience points to your clan to help level it up. The challenge is pretty easy to knock out just by playing the game and comes with a solid loot reward, so if you’re playing on any given week, you were probably visiting Hawthorne at least once by the end of it. For players running two or three characters, the result was visiting Hawthorne over and over again most weeks for years, hearing the same dialogue every time.

This isn’t the first time a repeated bit of dialogue has become a thing for Destiny players. Many got so familiar with Zavala’s opening speech for a Destiny 1 Strike, Cerberus Vei III, that it became a meme–and then Bungie joined the joke by turning the speech into a t-shirt.

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Destiny 1 also featured the line “I don’t even have time to explain that I don’t have time to explain” from the Exo Stranger. It also turned into a joke that Bungie got in on when it released a gun called No Time To Explain in the Taken King expansion. (The Exo Stranger is back in Destiny 2’s Beyond Light expansion and she’s much more articulate this time around.)

And before that, the line “That Wizard came from the moon!” turned into a joke after it was featured in the game’s alpha. Bungie once again was willing to laugh at itself a bit, printing the line on a t-shirt it sold for charity–but it did also remove the line from the game.

Check out the additions to Update 3.1.0’s patch notes below.

Update 3.1.0 Additional Patch Notes


Removed Hawthorne’s Red War-era dialog when completing her Clan challenge.Players can now turn in Gunsmith materials 100 at a time, and Vanguard tokens 20 at a time – enough to get a full rank.


Valor, Glory, and Infamy rank-up banners are now at the bottom of the screen, no longer blocking players from taking actions in orbit when hitting a new rank.Valor, Glory, and Infamy values are now available on the main Director screen for the ritual.


Reworked the mote system for more reliable gathering.


Iron Banner Removed Skill Based Matchmaking listing from the Iron Banner tooltip – it has been using Connection-Based Matchmaking, along with the rest of the Crucible, since June of 2020.Survival Life count changed from 6 to 4, respawn time changed from 7s to 5s, consistent with ruleset prior to Beyond Light.

New Light

A Guardian Rises Destroying the Spider Tank during The Divide phase will now progress the directive by 50%.Fixed an issue where veteran accounts that start a new character could not be progress or dismiss some tutorials.Schism Fixed an issue where players could jump through a window during the Navota vignette and block their mission progress.Cold Boot Fixed an issue for veteran characters playing the New Light quest that would cause the Legendary weapon tutorial to persist through the entire mission.

Risk/Reward (Riskrunner)

Fixed an issue where players with full Energy weapon inventory slots would have Riskrunner sent to the Postmaster upon pick up.The weapon now drops as an Exotic Engram during the mission, allowing players to clear room in their inventories if they wish to pick up their Riskrunner immediately.

Forsaken Campaign

Fixed an issue where players would see a “Quests Full” message when trying to start the Forsaken campaign, forcing them to find and pick up the quest at the Quest Archive in the Tower before proceeding.

About Phil Hornshaw

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