Destiny 2's Grandmaster Nightfalls Return On April 5, Power Level Requirements Confirmed

Grandmaster Nightfalls, the most challenging strike activity in Destiny 2, will return on April 5. For its debut in Season of the Risen, Bungie has confirmed the new power level required to take part and the new adept loot available, which will include the Conqueror Seal and Title for anyone who completes Grandmaster Nightfalls and their challenges.

Once you’ve obtained the Conqueror title, completing all of the Grandmaster Nightfalls during a given Season will give you the ability to gild your title as well, letting everyone in the Tower know that you’re really good at the activity.

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Adept rewards include the hand cannon and fusion rifle Palindrome and PLUG ONE.1, which will be available to drop once you’ve completed the activity. Adept weapon mods, Ascendant Shards, and Enhancement Prisms can also be earned upon activity completion.

In case you’ve never run a Grandmaster Nightfall, here’s how it works. The recommended power level for the activity is 1575, which requires regular play across multiple activities that reward Pinnacle engrams so that you can reach the game’s hard power cap. The current limit for players is a power level of 1560, with the seasonal artifact adding additional power once it has been leveled up. Enemies are tougher, deal more damage, and are more aggressive in this mode, with Champions also making a regular appearance. Revives are limited and if you take too long to resurrect a teammate, they’ll be claimed by the Darkness.

Elsewhere in Destiny 2, Bungie has begun teasing the potential return of Luna’s Howl, a PvP weapon that quickly became a fan favorite in the Crucible thanks to its unique perks. As the weekend starts, you can also find out where Xur is later today, and get a breakdown on what rewards to expect in Trials of Osiris over the next couple of days.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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