Destiny 2's Groovy Graviton Lance Is Getting a Huge Buff In PvE

Change is on the horizon for Destiny 2, as a mid-season patch will tweak several weapon archetypes and fine-tune some of the game’s Exotics. On the latter front, Bungie has Graviton Lance, No Time to Explain, and Fighting Lion prepped for an update, one that’ll scale back the effectiveness of these weapons in certain scenarios.

Graviton Lance received a major overhaul–alongside several other Exotics–this season, shifting its design to provide a more even spread of damage across its two-tap build. “While it is nice to see that Graviton Lance has been returned to glory after a long hiatus, at its current strength the gun is too easy to use for how rewarding it can be, and the Cosmology explosion pushes it too close to ‘primary ammo Cloudstrike’ for comfort,” Bungie explained, referencing its heavy use in Crucible.

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Later this season, Graviton Lance will have its Cosmology explosion damage reduced, but only against Guardians in PvP modes. It’s also losing the extra aim assist provided by unlocking its catalyst. However, it’s not all bad news for fans of Graviton Lance, as Bungie has noticed it still doesn’t deal as much damage in PvE as Revision Zero in Heavy Burst mode. As such, Graviton Lance is getting a 67% damage increase in PvE.

Another Exotic pulse rifle, No Time to Explain, is getting a small nerf to prevent it from usurping Graviton Lance’s position in this weapon archetype’s hierarchy. Players can expect a reduced range stat of 10 with this weapon once the update goes live.

Finally, the Exotic grenade launcher Fighting Lion is getting a bug related to it fixed, as this issue was preventing the weapon’s catalyst benefits from activating.

Alongside these changes to Exotics, numerous weapon archetypes are seeing changes, including a slight nerf to pulse rifles.

Season 21 of Destiny 2 will run until August 22, and on that final day, fans can tune in for a new Bungie showcase that’ll reveal more details about The Final Shape expansion.

Graviton Lance

Increased PvE damage by 67%.Removed the extra aim assist provided by the catalyst.Reduced the damage dealt by the Cosmology explosion by 40% against players. Damage in PvE unchanged.

No Time to Explain

Reduced range stat by 10.

Fighting Lion

Fixed an issue where the Chimera perk on the catalyst wasn’t applying the buffs to Kinetic and Power slot weapons.Every Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotic RevealedSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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