Destiny 2 Has An Amazing God Roll Gun Right Now–Hopefully You Have Some Free Time

For Destiny 2 players intent on having the very best weapons at their disposal, god rolls are highly desirable. Although the game doesn’t label them as such, certain combinations of perks can make them invaluable for certain types of content–and that’s the case right now with a version of Reed’s Regret, a linear fusion rifle. Here’s what you need to know and how to get it.

Reed’s Regret can be obtained by playing Trials of Osiris, but the exact perks are randomized. As pointed out by Moraski on Twitter, the version available for ranking up your reputation with Saint-14 in Trials (from now until March 29) features a god roll, as it is equipped with both Triple Tap and Firing Line.

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Triple Tap makes it so that landing three precision hits in a short span of time will refund one round to the magazine, letting you fire it for longer without needing to reload. Firing Line grants bonus precision damage when you’re near two or more allies. In other words, pulling this out while standing with teammates in a high-end activity, such as a raid, will allow you to deal a tremendous amount of damage–especially if it’s then combined with a teammate using Divinity (an Exotic trace rifle that creates a sphere that allies can target to land guaranteed precision hits). So while this version of Reed’s Regret isn’t especially well-suited to PvP content, it’s a phenomenal option for PvE boss damage.

As for getting your hands on the gun, you’re guaranteed to get this specific roll as a reputation reward after resetting your rank once and then reaching Rank 16 in Trials of Osiris. The problem there is, that requires playing a lot of Trials, so if you haven’t already been making good progress this season, that might mean you can scrap any weekend plans you might’ve made.

While Trials is the pinnacle of PvP activities, it’s a lot more approachable, even for more novice solo players, than it used to be. It’s unfortunate that this gun is available now, as next week will offer double Trials reputation gains, but them’s the breaks. If you do decide to grind your way to the gun, you should choose Passage of Wealth as your weekly Passage from Saint-14, and avoid resetting your passage–just keeping grinding, win or lose, as Passage of Wealth will speed up your progress.

Even if you can’t set aside the required time to get your hands on this gun, you can always pay Xur a visit to pick up some new Exotics.

About Chris Pereira

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