Destiny 2: How To Farm Spectral Pages Quickly During Festival Of The Lost

Break out the papier-mâché masks, fill your bag up with candy, and spread some seasonal joy around the Solar system as Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost has officially begun. Like last year, this Halloween-themed event is focused on exploring Haunted Sectors, Lost Sectors that have been given a ghoulish makeover and are now inhabited by fearsome pumpkin-headed foes. By collecting Spectral Pages, you can transform those pieces of parchment into Manifested Pages during your Haunted Sector adventures and then use them to unlock stories in the Book of the Forgotten.

Beyond getting bite-sized amounts of lore, you’ll also get the Ghost Writer title in the process. This is a fairly easy title to acquire if you don’t mind farming Haunted Sectors, and getting your hands on a fat stack of Spectral Pages isn’t too difficult either. Here’s how you can easily get Spectral Pages and what to do with them.

How to get Spectral Pages in Destiny 2

To get started, you’ll want to pay a visit to Eva Levante in the Tower to kick off Festival of the Lost. Once you’ve done the introductory Haunted Sector quest, you can start working on uncovering the Shrouded Pages in the Book of the Forgotten. Each Shrouded Page needs several Manifested Pages to be unlocked, and maxes out at seven Manifested Page per Shrouded Page at the end of the book.

To earn Spectral Pages, you’ll need to have your Festival Mask equipped while taking part in most any activity across the game, be it PvE or PvP. PvP is arguably the slower route, so to speed things up, focus on Public Events dotted throughout the patrol zones. The EDZ usually has a steady number of public events available, and these are also some of the easiest to cycle through. You’ll be able to earn up to three Spectral Pages per Public Event–Heroic Public Events are more rewarding–and you can quickly stack up pages in just a few minutes. Whether it’s worth the trouble of activating Heroic versions of these events may depend on the number of players you have with you, as more quickly going through normal versions might prove more productive.

An alternate strategy, if you only care about farming as much as possible and don’t mind cheesing things, comes by way of Cheese Forever. They point out that the First Contact mission can be used to rapidly farm Spectral Pages by repeatedly reloading a checkpoint, letting you rack up tons of pages.

Essentially any activity in Destiny 2 will give you a few Spectral Pages as a reward, but running a Public Event gauntlet is the quickest non-cheese method of getting your hands on these pages. (If you want a good weapon to do any of this, check out our Horror Story god roll guide to see what you should aim for.)

How to turn Spectral Pages into Manifested Pages

Now that you have a small library of Spectral Pages, you can jump into the Haunted Sector playlist. This mode can be accessed from the Tower map when you bring up the game director, and you’ll then be transported to a Lost Sector that has undergone a creepy makeover. The main objective in Haunted Sectors is to summon Headless Ones, enemies with Jack-O-Lantern heads that you can vanquish before you summon a bigger and tougher foe.

Each Headless One that you defeat will turn one Spectral Page into a Manifested Page, and you can slay a maximum of nine Headless Ones per Haunted Sector run before you start the main boss fight. During this battle, you’ll summon more Headless Ones as part of the gameplay loop, so you’ll easily transform your stock of Spectral Pages during a single run. It’s best to go into Haunted Sectors when you’ve got a lot of Spectral Pages in your inventory, to maximize the number of Manifested Pages that you’ll leave with.

Head back to Eva Levante in the Tower, turn in your Manifested Pages at the Book of the Forgotten, and you’ll earn some nice rewards alongside the lore drops from this seasonal event. As a reminder, you’ll have until November 7 to complete the Book of the Forgotten before the Festival of the Lost comes to a close.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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