Destiny 2: How To Get Halo's Battle Rifle And Other Anniversary Guns

Among the most desirable new weapons to get your hands on as part of Destiny 2’s Bungie 30th anniversary event are its Halo-inspired guns. Bungie has drawn on its past to include a bunch of new weapons that more than slightly resemble those from its past games, and that includes the likes of Halo’s battle rifle. Here’s how to get your hands on them.

The core new activity with this update is a six-player mode that’s available to everyone for free. Dares of Eternity, as it’s called, mixes up the action from run to run with a variety of modifiers, enemy types, and even an obstacle course. It’s all very silly fun, with it taking on the guise of a game show hosted by Xur (and with a magical space horse around for good measure). By completing matches of Dares of Eternity, you’ll earn treasure keys, which is your ticket to easily obtaining the new guns.

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In Eternity, which is located on the Director map, you can head to the new Xur’s Treasure Hoard destination. Once you arrive, simply make your way forward to the end of the platform overlooking the treasure room, and you’ll see a chest. You can use one treasure key to open the chest, which is guaranteed to reward you with one of the 30th anniversary weapons. You can repeatedly open the chest as many times as you want to get more guns and different rolls on them, though be aware this isn’t the only use for these keys.

If you look around the room, you’ll see additional reward chests that each contain a specific type of armor ornament for each of the three classes. You’ll need to cash in multiple treasure keys (and have advanced to the requisite Strange Favor rank by completing Dares of Eternity) to unlock each of these.

Among the weapons you can get from the chest are the aforementioned Halo-style battle rifle, as well as a Covenant Carbine-style gun, and an Energy Sword-style sword. We haven’t yet obtained them all, but we’ll report back as we get our hands on more of them and find alternative means for obtaining these weapons. Also worth bearing in mind is that the Halo magnum, known here as Forerunner, has also been added, but you’ll get your hands on that through a separate Exotic quest.

About Chris Pereira

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