Destiny 2 Iron Banner PSA: You Can Now Get Riiswalker Or Archon's Thunder From Bounties Or Tokens

We’ve just hit the second Iron Banner event in Destiny 2‘s Season of the Splicer, and with it comes a fix that made the first of the season’s PvP events a little less lucrative than usual. That bug made it so players turning in Iron Banner bounties and Iron Banner tokens couldn’t earn additional copies of two weapons new to the season–but with the new Iron Banner, that issue is fixed, and you can now claim new rolls on the Riiswalker shotgun and Archon’s Thunder machine gun.

Bungie identified the issue during the first Iron Banner in May, and at the time, we recommended you hold onto any bounties you completed and tokens you might have earned during the event. In the first Iron Banner, only two of the season’s new Iron Banner weapons, the sniper rifle Occluded Finality and hand cannon Finite Impactor, were dropping correctly. You could get both from engrams earned at the end of matches, from turning in bounties, and from turning in tokens. For Riiswalker and Archon’s Thunder, however, the only way to get them was by completing steps in the Iron Banner seasonal quest, Iron-Handed Diplomacy.

If you held onto bounties and tokens from the first event, you can turn them in now to get chances at those latter two weapons. We’ve confirmed that older bounties will work to potentially give you rolls on Riiswalker and Archon’s Thunder–although, like all random rewards, they’re not guaranteed. Still, your chances are a lot better now to get those guns, and you can definitely earn a couple if you complete the seasonal quest. You can knock that out up to three times if you have alternate characters.

Bungie tweeted about the issue after the start of the new Iron Banner event on Tuesday, May 18. Not long after that, it released an in-game warning against players from spending their tokens or turning in their bounties because two of the four new Iron Banner guns aren’t being rewarded through those methods.

With the loot pool functioning correctly, you can jump into Iron Banner matches this week with the chance to earn Riiswalker, Archon’s Thunder, Occluded Finality, and Finite Impactor from all sources, including just finishing matches. They join the pool of several other Iron Banner guns and armor pieces, so there’s still an element of randomness at play. For some guaranteed chances at the four new guns, make sure to complete Iron-Handed Diplomacy on multiple characters, as you’ll earn one of the guns from each step in completing the quest, for a total of three each.

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