Destiny 2 Iron Banner Saladin's Gauntlet – How To Quickly Get Timeworn Spire, Multimach CCX, And Armor

The Iron Banner is back in Destiny 2‘s Season of the Chosen, bringing back the week-long event’s Pinnacle bounties and the Saladin’s Gauntlet quest. This season-long quest gives you the opportunity to earn a bunch of key gear from the competitive multiplayer event, including armor. The Season of the Chosen also adds The Time-Worn Spire, a Legendary Destiny 1 pulse rifle, and Multimach CCX, a submachine gun, that you can earn for participating in the event.

Here’s everything you need to do to complete Saladin’s Gauntlet, unlock the Season of the Chosen’s Iron Banner armor, and add the new gun to your collection.

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Saladin’s Gauntlet Quest

Step 1: Smelting Pot

Kill 30 GuardiansCapture 10 zonesGet 5 Solar or Arc ability final blows

Each step of the Saladin’s Gauntlet quest has multiple objectives that will stack up over time. The first step requires you to equip either your Solar or Arc subclass and then to nab ability final blows with those elements–so Super kills, melee ability kills, and grenade kills will count. The good news is that you only need five such kills to advance.

Step 2: Sounding Bell

Get 10 Power weapon killsComplete 6 Iron Banner matchesCapture 20 zones

The second step isn’t too difficult, although the Power weapon kills might be a stumbling block. You’ll need to grab Heavy ammo during matches, so make sure you’re keeping an eye on its timer and sticking nearby to snag it when it’s available. Meanwhile, the 20 zones you’re charged with capturing will stack with the 10 you captured for the last objective, making this one a little easier to complete than it sounds. The six total matches you need to play should also stack with whatever matches you completed during step one.

Step 3: Live Fire

Get 20 submachine gun killsKill 100 GuardiansCapture 30 zones

As mentioned, your kills and captured zones from previous steps should continue to stack with this one, cutting down on the amount of grinding you’ll have to do to complete it. If you’re looking for a good submachine gun for this step, try something like The Huckleberry, which reloads part of its magazine every time you rack up a kill and can keep you battling for longer.

Step 4: Steady Drums

Get 20 pulse rifle killsCapture 40 zonesGet 15 Super final blows

Switch to a pulse rifle for step four–mainstays like Vigilance Wing and Graviton Lance are great for this step, as are newer favorites like Stars in Shadow and No Time To Explain. As for the Super requirement, it’s a good idea to adjust your loadout to favor Insight to try to rack up Supers as fast as you can. You’ll also want to go with something that gets kills fast, so you might want to stay away from Stasis subclasses, since your frozen kills can sometimes get stolen by other players.

With the other four steps complete, return to Lord Saladin in the Tower to complete the quest for the season.

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