Destiny 2 Iron Banner What We Survive Quest Guide

The Iron Banner is back in Destiny 2 Season of the Risen this week, providing you with your second of three weeks to complete Lord Saladin’s “What We Survive” quest. It’s a short quest with only five steps that offer Iron Banner weapons at each milestone along the way. Season 16’s Iron Banner introduced two new weapons: the Frontier’s Cry hand cannon, and the Razor’s Edge sword. The quest is worth completing because not only do you earn Iron Banner’s two new weapons, but you can pull updated versions of old ones, as well. Starting this season, all Iron Banner weapons now include the Skulking Wolf origin trait, which gives you an enhanced radar and lets you escape the enemy’s radar after final blows when your team goes on the Hunt–which happens when your team captures all zones.

While your chances for completing the What We Survive quest are dwindling (there’s only one Iron Banner remaining after the one starting Tuesday), you’re also running out of time to turn in Iron Banner tokens. The tokens previously awarded during the event will be removed from the game at the end of the Season of the Risen and replaced by a new reputation system, meaning you’ve only got this week and one other to spend those tokens and earn Iron Banner gear. The same goes for Lord Saladin’s Iron Banner bounties, so it’s a good idea to spend your tokens this week as you earn them.

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Make sure you put on your Iron Forerunner armor set pieces from Season of the Lost if you want to activate the Iron Lord’s Pride perk, which gives you a chance to earn Enhancement Prisms after Iron Banner matches. You can stack this perk up to four times by wearing four armor pieces. If you don’t have any armor pieces from last season, you can get these pieces to drop after completing Iron Banner matches. Also, you don’t need to complete this quest in order to get Frontier’s Cry or Razor’s Edge–you can get these new weapons by turning in tokens at Saladin.

What We Survive Quest

Step 1

Defeat 30 GuardiansCapture 10 ZonesGet 15 Void or Solar final blows

You can complete this step in a match or two, and be sure to keep a Void or Solar subclass on along with your elemental weapons to get those final blows. Although this is a simple quest step, the only thing that may stagger you is the Power level. Since this is the first Iron Banner of Season 16 and The Witch Queen DLC, you need to be above the Power level soft cap of 1500, since level advantages are enabled. Also, the Bonus Power from the Seasonal Artifact is disabled in Iron Banner.

Rewards: Frontier’s Cry hand cannon and Legendary gear.

Step 2

Complete 6 Iron Banner MatchesCapture 20 ZonesGet 15 hand cannon final blows

Progress from previous steps can carry over into the next step, so you will enter this quest with a couple of Zones already captured. The Frontier’s Cry you receive will be a red border Resonance weapon, so you can use that to get your hand cannon kills.

Reward: Legendary gear

Step 3

Defeat 100 GuardiansCapture 30 ZonesGet 10 sniper or glaive final blows

This step includes the option to play close-range with a glaive or from a distance with a sniper. You don’t need to get another set of 100 Guardian kills for this step since the progress carries over from previous steps.

Rewards: Razor’s Edge and Legendary gear

Step 4

Get 15 Super killsCapture 40 ZonesGet 5 sword or melee final blows

You can use your glaive here again because it counts as a melee weapon. Your sword will require you to grab heavy ammo, so it wouldn’t hurt to use a glaive–which uses special ammo but doesn’t require ammo for melee attacks–if you don’t get to the heavy ammo before the timer runs out when it appears. Just like the Frontier’s Cry hand cannon, you can use your Razor’s Edge reward from the previous step here, as well.

Reward: Legendary gear

Step 5

Speak to Lord Saladin at the Tower to complete the quest.

Reward: Legendary gear

About Saniya Ahmed

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