Destiny 2 Is Making It Easier To Get Those Craftable Weapons You Really Want

Weapon crafting in Destiny 2 has undergone numerous changes since it was first introduced in 2022’s Witch Queen expansion, and in Season of the Deep, even more changes are on the horizon. For Guardians looking to unlock specific weapon-crafting patterns, this new method will allow the Deepsight activation to be applied to a weapon and thus allow pattern progress to be unlocked.

This will only be available for certain weapons and it will require a new currency, Deepsight Harmonizer. Non-raid weapons will cost one Harmonizer, while raid weapons will require 15 Spoils of Conquest on top of the Harmonizer cost. Deepsight Harmonizers can be obtained from Season pass rank rewards, three of which will be available in the free track and three more available in the premium track. Only one Deepsight Harmonizer can be stored in the inventory at any time and there will be some limitations on the weapons eligible for this process.

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Bungie says weapons that previously had Deepsight will be ineligible, meaning you’ll need to obtain a non-red-border version of a gun for each usage of a Deepsight Harmonizer. Weapons purchased from a raid vendor are not eligible (though, as always, there are specific steps you can take in a raid to guarantee you obtain a Deepsight weapon anyway), but ones bought from Xur or the Gunsmith can go through this Deepsight activation process. Additionally, you won’t be able to complete this process if you’ve already unlocked the pattern for that specific weapon, given that there would be no reason to do.

Players can also look forward to a few crafting cost updates in Season 21. Legendary Shard costs will be removed from all crafting components, but the Glimmer and Enhancement Core costs will remain the same, and Enhanced weapon costs will be based on weapon Masterwork costs. That means Legendary Shards will still be required.

Season of the Deep won’t just be focused on new weapon crafting changes when it arrives on May 23, as Bungie is teasing a return to Titan, new aquatic-themed armor, and fewer Pinnacle drops next season. New Strand Aspects will also be available next season and several Supers are getting beefed up as well.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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