Destiny 2 Is Removing A One-Hit-Kill Move From PvP

Bungie is patching out a Destiny 2 strategy that allowed players to one-hit kill an enemy in PvP by using a shoulder charge or slide melee, with the change coming into place at the start of Season of the Wish.

The new restriction on one-hit kills follows a change made almost two years ago in update 3.4.0, which stopped the Titan’s shoulder charge ability from delivering a guaranteed one-hit kill. Bungie explains that players found a way to work around this change, getting one-hit kills by sliding, firing their weapon, and then continuing into a shoulder charge or slide melee.

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As of Season of the Wish, players will no longer be able to initiate a shoulder charge or slide melee if they’ve already fired a weapon in the slide. The melee abilities impacted by this change include:

Seismic StrikeShield BashHammer StrikeHowl of the StormConsecrationFlechette StormLightning SurgeTempest Strike

Bungie explains that the initial change to shoulder charges was made as part of an ongoing effort to ensure that one-hit-kill abilities also came with a significant investment of risk or cost, requiring either windup time, player skill, or buildcrafting investment.

The workaround players had discovered resulted in “an effective one-shot kill that is extremely difficult to track or understand if you’re on the receiving end,” which is why Bungie has decided to patch it out.

One positive for fans of slide melees is that Bungie is also giving Tempest Strike a small buff as part of the same update. As of Season of the Wish, Tempest Strike will get a slight boost to base damage, more consistent tracking for longer ranges, and improved consistency over rough terrain.

Season of the Wish launches on November 28, bringing with it a reworked version of Dragon’s Breath, and new Witcher-themed cosmetics.

About Hayley Williams

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