Destiny 2 Jurassic Green Guide: How To Get The Festival Of The Lost Pulse Rifle

Destiny 2’s latest seasonal event isn’t just a good excuse to slay ghouls and collect candy, it’s a terrific opportunity to add a new pulse rifle to your arsenal. This year’s Festival of the Lost gives players the chance to acquire Jurassic Green, a dino-themed weapon that has the potential to land with some surprisingly powerful perk rolls and a rapid-fire frame with deep ammo reserves.

On my first run in Festival of the Lost I even managed to snag a Jurassic Green that came equipped with Unrelenting, a perk that triggers health regeneration when enemies are killed.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Season of the Lost – Festival of the Lost Trailer

Here’s how you can get the Jurassic Green pulse rifle during the two weeks that it’ll be available in Festival of the Lost.

Complete Forgotten But Not Lost

As part of your introduction to Haunted Sectors, Eva Levante will ask you to perform a few tasks that eventually ends with a trip to your first Haunted Sector, collecting Manifested Pages, and then using them to unlock pages in the Book of the Forgotten. You can read more about that quest in the link above, and once you’ve completed it, you’ll earn a Jurassic Green for all your hard work.

From Haunted Sector Treasure Chests

Completing a Haunted Sector will reward you with a treasure chest, and inside of that crate there’s candy, glimmer, and a chance to score a Jurassic Green if the RNG gods are smiling on you. If you don’t get one, you’ll just need to keep grinding through Haunted Sectors until the odds are eventually in your favor.

From Eva Levante’s Shop

Eva will give you the pulse rifle after you’ve completed more Haunted Sectors and transforming Spectral Pages into Manifested Pages will significantly increase the chance for a weapon drop.

It’s worth noting that Eva also has Horror Story and Braytech Wolf Auto in stock, just in case you missed those weapons when they were available during previous Festivals of the Lost.

From Mara Sov

If you’ve been hanging on to an Ascendant Lens from last year’s Festival of the Lost, hand it over to Mara Sov in the Awoken wing of the HELM. As a reward, you’ll be given three Jurassic Green weapons to add to your collection.

For more on Destiny 2 during its ghoulish gala, you can check out the latest trailer for the event, and the Dia de los Muertos-inspired Ghost shell that can be acquired during the event.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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