Destiny 2 Lightfall Preloading Details: Server Downtime Begins, Install Size Confirmed

The new Destiny 2 expansion Lightfall releases tomorrow, February 28, and in the meantime, Bungie has taken Destiny 2’s servers offline. Servers will remain down until Lightfall releases, but you can use that time to begin preloading the update–and it’s a big one. We’ve learned just how much space is required both to download the update and to have the game installed once Lightfall is available, and you might need to temporarily delete some other games to make room.

Destiny 2 server downtime and Lightfall preload times

Destiny 2’s servers will be down for 24 hours as of 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET on February 27. That means you’ll need to forgo playing today, and unfortunately, it’s too late to wrap up anything you might have missed–Season of the Seraph content, and all other seasonal content from the past year, will be vaulted when servers come back online. Preloading for Lightfall is now available across PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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Lightfall install size

Bungie has warned that the download for Destiny 2: Lightfall will be quite large, but on the bright side, the game will have a smaller footprint post-update–and you’ll see improved loading times as well.

Notably, Bungie has warned those playing the PS4 version (including those playing that version on PS5) will need about 80 GB of additional space to download Lightfall. Old files will be removed after the installation is complete, but preloading will require having both the new and old files available. On PC, the situation is even more extreme for Steam and Epic Games Store players, as you’ll need upwards of 223GB free in order to preload the game. The situation is less dire on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Here’s the full rundown on how much space you need to preload, and how much space will be used up after the update, thanks to Bungie’s help site:

Destiny 2: Lightfall preloading and install requirements

PlayStation 5

Install Size: 102.6 GB*Storage Space Needed for Pre-Load: 102.6 GB

Xbox Series X|S

Install Size: 108.59 GBStorage Space Needed for Pre-Load: 108.59 GB

PlayStation 4

Install Size: 88.21 GB*Storage Space Needed for Pre-Load: 184.64 GB

Xbox One

Install Size: 89.21 GBStorage Space Needed for Pre-Load: 89.21 GB


Install Size: 102.60 GB*Storage Space Needed for Pre-Load: 233.2 GB

Epic Games Store

Install Size: 101.51 GBStorage Space Needed for Pre-Load: 223.3 GB

Microsoft Store

Install Size: 102.13 GBStorage Space Needed for Pre-Load: 102.13 GB

*Install size may vary based on languages installed; size shown is maximum size possible.

There are many, many changes coming with Lighfall and the new season, Season of Defiance. In addition to the new Strand subclass, Bungie is bringing some heavy nerfs to linear fusion rifles, along with many other weapon-specific changes. Loadouts are being introduced along with a whole new way to manage your armor mods. New Exotic weapons and armor will be added, too, along with a ton of other new content. For more, get ready with our Lightfall story primer.

Destiny 2: Lightfall, Season Of Defiance, And BeyondSee More

About Chris Pereira

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