Destiny 2: Lightfall Will Let You Pay To Skip The Campaign

One of the ways that Bungie keeps its lights on while developing Destiny 2, which has a free-to-play model mixed in with premium add-on content, is through the use of Character Boosts. Currently, you can spend 100 Silver to gain a rank on the season pass track and unlock rewards, but with Lightfall, there’ll be a few extra options available.

Starting with this year’s expansion, players will see one of two types of boosts on their character screen depending on their progress. The Lightfall Character Boost appears when you hit the soft Power cap with a character but haven’t completed the campaign yet, and provides the selected character with a set of high Power level gear. This won’t allow you to skip the campaign according to Bungie, but the second option will let you pay to fast-forward through the new narrative content.

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As its title implies, the Lightfall Campaign Skip Boost appears after you complete the Lightfall campaign and allows you to skip the new storyline with a selected character. If you select this option, you’ll gain a set of high Power level gear if your main character has hit the Soft Cap and unlocks the new Strand abilities for that Guardian. It’s worth noting that paying for a boost means that you’ll lose out on any items or gear that you would have normally picked up during the course of the campaign, and skipping it doesn’t count as having completed Legendary mode or any of the post-campaign missions, leaving the associated Triumphs unfulfilled.

It’s a useful system for anyone who wants to quickly get up to speed in Lightfall without having to play the campaign three times, paving the way for players to have more flexibility when choosing their preferred class of Guardian after experimenting with the new Strand subclass and seeing all the other changes introduced by a huge number of technical tweaks under the hood of Destiny 2. Bungie says that for now, this option will be available solely for Lightfall, but it’ll continue to monitor player feedback around this feature.

Lightfall goes live on February 28, and if you’re looking for a quick catch-up before the new expansion is active, you can check out GameSpot’s story recap on everything that has happened since the Beyond Light expansion.

Destiny 2: Lightfall, Season Of Defiance, And BeyondSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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