Bungie has shared another look at the highly-anticipated next entry in the Destiny 2 saga, Lightfall. Revealed at The 2022 Game Awards, the new trailer shows off the game’s newest power, Strand, as well as the neon-lit city of Neomuna. The expansion is slated to release on February 28, 2023.
Heavily featured in the new trailer is the next Darkness subclass Strand, which is available to Guardians with the coming expansion. Equipping the Strand ability turns Warlocks into telekinetically powered Architects, Titans into claw-bearing Tyrants, and Hunters into agile Threadrunners. All three classes can use their Strand abilities to launch grappling hooks into the environment around them as a new means of lightning-fast traversal.
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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Lightfall Trailer | The Game Awards 2022
The trailer also heavily features Neomuna, the hidden Neptunian city Lightfall takes place on. In Lightfall, your Guardian must team up with the Cloudstriders–Neomuna’s protectors–and fight off Calus and The Witness as they lay siege against the city.
New in-game features will see in-game loadout builds and a mod manager finally added to Destiny 2, a built-in LFG feature for anyone looking to team up for the more challenging activities, and a Commendations system to hand out kudos to fellow Guardians.
While Lightfall is still a few weeks away, the current season that will lead directly into, Season of the Seraph, has begun. The next couple of months will be focused on restoring the Golden Age AI Rasputin, a mission which is being led by renegade warlock Osiris, an AI construct of the infamous Exo pioneer Clovis Bray, and his daughter Ana Bray.
According to Bungie, Lightfall is the penultimate expansion in Destiny 2’s Light and Darkness saga. The saga is slated to end with The Final Shape in 2024.
Destiny 2: Lightfall will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.
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