Destiny 2: Lightfall's Season Of Defiance Brings Pyramid Ships To Earth

Season of Defiance will bring back familiar faces and sights in Destiny 2: Lightfall alongside the newness of Neomuna. A new season trailer places Amanda Holliday, Mithrax, Crow, and EDZ vendor Devrim Kay at the front lines to battle Calus’s Shadow Legion and the Pyramid Fleet, who arrived at the EDZ and Cosmodrome. Players will also get to set foot on the Farm once again. The trailer also shows Zavala standing at the Tower with possibly ally ships hovering above the Last City in place of the Traveler.

Parts of the trailer also revealed that the fighting will take place inside the Pyramid structures on Earth, and Guardians will tear open portals using Awoken powers into the Ascendant Plane to fight Taken enemies with Mara Sov’s help. It’s a three-player activity called Defiant Battlegrounds where players enter the Shadow Legion’s Ascendant outpost and save captives. This season will place previous Battleground activities like PsiOps and Heist in a Vanguard Ops playlist.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Lightfall – Season of Defiance Trailer

Season of Defiance will have new weekly missions, seasonal ornaments, and an Exotic bow called the Verglas Curve. With Guardians on their way to becoming Mara Sov’s Queensguard, the seasonal gear and weapons are themed after the Awoken Queen.

Also, purchasing the Season of Defiance Silver bundle gives a new Legendary emote along with 1,700 Silver. Season of Defiance starts on February 28 and ends on May 22–it will also include the 2023 Guardian Games event. The Root of Nightmares Raid will start on March 10.

Destiny 2: Lightfall, Season Of Defiance, And BeyondSee More

About Saniya Ahmed

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