Destiny 2's New Hunter Exotic, Radiant Dance Machines, Is Absolutely Broken And You Need It

Update: Not long after Radiant Dance Machines appeared in the wild, Bungie caught wind and disabled the Exotic in PvP activities. Apparently, dodging a bunch of times and getting a massive bump in Super wasn’t the effect the developer had planned.

It’s unclear when the Exotic will be back in PvP activities, or how Bungie might adjust it to make a little less broken. In the meantime, though, Radiant Dance Machines still work just fine in PvE activities, allowing you to go wild with dodges in Strikes and other activities.

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Original story: The Season of the Lost brings a new slate of Exotics to Destiny 2, and one of them has already become a must-have item that will surely be nerfed. That item is Radiant Dance Machines, a Hunter Exotic that is helping players create some ridiculous builds, whether in the Crucible, Gambit, or PvE activities.

Radiant Dance Machines are new to Destiny 2, but they were originally found in Destiny 1, where they increased your movement speed while you were aiming down the sights of a weapon. In Destiny 2, however, they’ve gotten an overhaul: they now allow you to use your Hunter dodge ability multiple times in a row for five seconds, so long as you are within a certain proximity of an enemy. The thing is, Hunter dodges can be made to do a lot of cool things, and Radiant Dance Machines makes a useful ability into an absolutely broken one.

The trick to using Radiant Dance Machines to break Destiny 2 is pairing it with the right additional items. There are a number of mods that give you benefits when you use your dodge ability, and pairing these up with the Exotic allows you to take serious advantage.

How To Get The Radiant Dance Machines Hunter Exotic

First, there’s the Dynamo mod for Void helmets. This one gives you Super energy whenever you use your dodge. You can stack two at once, and when you execute as many dodges as possible with Radiant Dance Machines, you can boost your Super bar by 50% or more. Spec your character for the Mobility stat, which gives you your dodge back extremely quickly–in 15 seconds or less, when it’s high enough–and you can quickly get your Super in all cases.

Not only do Radiant Dance Machines give you lots of dodges in a row, but the distance from an enemy that’s considered “close” is pretty generous. That distance also counts through walls, so you can dodge with a bunch with enemies around corners or out of view and get your Super charged up without having to risk your life. Exploiting Radiant Dance Machines, it’s possible to get tons of Supers in a single Crucible match, giving you a massive advantage against opponents.

They work in Gambit and PvE activities, too–in fact, even at the start of a Gambit match when you see your opponents standing across the room from you, separated from you by glass, you’re considered close enough to trigger Radiant Dance Machines and gain multiple dodges. Head to the glass and start dodging, and you can start a match with your Super halfway charged.

Radiant Dance Machines also lets you exploit other mods, like Distribution, which can be slotted into Hunter Class items. This mod gives you ability energy for every dodge near enemies, so you’re not only able to get your Super back very quickly, you can also recharge grenades or melee abilities, too.

Apart from that, there’s the benefit of the Hunter Stasis class, Revenant, and one of its special mods, known as Stasis Aspects. The Winter’s Shroud aspect from earlier this year creates a cloud of Stasis energy around you when you dodge, which slows down targets. Rapidly dodging around enemies can build up this effect to slow them down significantly and even freeze them solid, allowing for a quick, easy kill.

Taken together, Radiant Dance Machines make Hunters ludicrously powerful. The Exotic is absolutely broken at the moment, and this seems like an item Bungie will adjust sooner rather than later–it’s just way too strong in the right builds. That means you should snag the Exotic as soon as you can and take advantage of it. You can find it in Legendary and Master Lost Sectors as a random drop.

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