Destiny 2 Override Frequency Guide: How To Open Resonance Amp Chests

Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph brings plenty of surprises, and one of the new mechanics involve solving Override Frequency puzzles. Once you’ve gathered Resonate Stems, you can combine them to have a mysterious chest appear in a random location across the system. The steps to get there, however, can be a bit confusing, and the resource needed isn’t exactly unlimited.

If you’re wondering how to open the Resonance Amp chests in Destiny 2, we’ll be diving into a step-by-step example here so you can go out to explore on your own without getting lost in the process.

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Destiny 2 Resonance Amp explained – how to get Resonate Stems

First off, you might be wondering what the Resonance Amp consumable in your Destiny 2 inventory is. This device is key for the Override Frequency puzzles, as it allows you to gather Resonate Stems, which are the material needed to activate the chests.

If you’re wondering how to get Resonate Stems in Destiny 2, these are rewarded after completing activities, as well as opening Seraph Chests. For example, completing a Heist Battleground granted me between two and three Seronate Stems, but bear in mind that progressing through the More Than a Weapon questline can also reward you a few of them.

You’re going to need at least four of them to craft an Override Frequency, but you’re free to stack them. I got 17 of them just by completing a few activities, so the drop rate isn’t too bad.

Destiny 2 Override Frequency Puzzles – how to open Resonate Amp Chests

Once you’ve gathered at least four Resonate Stems, it’s time to craft the Override Frequency puzzle.

At a glance, here are the steps to activate a Resonate Amp chest:

Open your inventory screen and look for the Resonance Amp consumableIf you have at least four Resonate Stems, press the button prompt to combine themDoing so will create the Override Frequency – keep in mind that it’s not a different item but rather a text description in the Resonance Amp that you have to decipher under the [CONNECTION ESTABLISHED] line

Let’s look at an example. The first Override Frequency I made gave me the following prompt: Europa.Beyond.Cliff.Landing. The first word, Europa, stands for the planet, while the second word, Beyond, indicates the specific area. You can use these cues as reference to fast travel directly.

Now, once I landed on Europa, figuring out the specific location for the Resonate Amp chest was tricky. I roamed around the initial area to no avail, but by looking at the map, I figured that the path on the eastern side would eventually lead to a cliff.

Case in point, the chest was at the very last stretch of that road. As I got closer there was a different music track playing, while looking at the chest directly changed the visual tone of the screen.

Once you’ve found the chest, just go ahead and open it. I got the IKELOS_SG_v.1.0.3 weapon as a reward, and you can expect similar gear from the Ikelos category from these chests.

It’s still unclear whether or not developer Bungie is going to be giving these chests a larger importance in the future, but at the very least, you’ll know how to find them.

Five Years Of Destiny 2's Dramatic, Transformational ChangesSee More

About Diego Nicolás Argüello

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