Destiny 2 Patch Kills Cross-Play After It Went Live Earlier Than Intended

After it was mistakenly introduced as part of an update earlier this week, Destiny 2’s cross-play feature has been disabled. Bungie officially rolled out a new update,, and the patch notes outline only two things, one of which is the removal of cross-play.

Coinciding with a maintenance period that booted players from the game, Bungie has launched the new hotfix on all platforms. In addition to disabling cross-play, the patch should fix an issue where players would crash while signing in.

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Although the feature is known to be coming later this year, several players took to Twitter on Tuesday to claim that it had gone live as part of the Season of the Splicer update. One fan asked for confirmation, which received a response from lead community manager Cozmo. They stated that cross-play went up early by mistake, and that a fix would be coming later in the week that would disable it again. Players were told they could try the feature but that it was “not representative of the full experience.”

Bungie did not specify when to expect a final release of the feature. It has previously stated that cross-play would be coming in Season 15, which is set to arrive sometime in August.

While the cross-play bug was a pleasant discovery, there are other issues impacting the game. Bungie has warned players about a problem with accepting a Synthstrand package from Ada-1 when your Consumables inventory is full. Doing so will cause the package to be lost, you should ensure you have room before accepting it from Ada.

Season 14, aka the Season of the Splicer, is now live. The new season introduces big changes to the transmog system, along with reworks to the PvP ranks, rebalancing for the stasis subclasses, and lots of other changes.



Fixed an issue that was causing some players to crash when signing in.Fixed an issue where some players were able to access Cross Play early.

About Chris Pereira

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