After rebalancing Stasis abilities in last month’s major patch, this week’s latest hotfix update for Destiny 2 focuses on a smaller number of issues that have begun cropping up. Destiny 2’s latest Strike, Proving Grounds, will no longer see players take advantage of an out-of-bounds exploit during that level’s boss fight. Bungie also noted that players will have to take on the Right of Proving from a more-even playing field. Here’s the rundown on update
In the Crucible, an issue where Heavy ammo spawned under the Distant Shore map in several game modes has been addressed, and another issue plaguing players attempting to solve the glyph puzzles for the Xenophage Exotic quest chain has been fixed. Hive Glyphs that needed to be shot with semi-auto, burst, automatic, or energy weapon variants weren’t responding correctly, but this problem has now been solved.
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In terms of rewards, an issue where Guardian Games Ghosts were removed from inventory has been fixed and players who lost Guardian Games Ghosts will receive replacements when they log back into Destiny 2.
Check out the complete patch notes for the new update below.
Hotfix Patch Notes
Strike: Proving Grounds
Fixed an issue where players could get out of bounds during the Proving Grounds boss fight.Players must now take on the Right of Proving from an even playing field.
Fixed an issue where Heavy ammo spawned under the Distant Shore map in some game modes
Gameplay and investment
Bounties and Pursuits
Fixed an issue impacting the glyph puzzles for the Xenophage Exotic quest chain.The Hive glyphs will now correctly react and respond when shot with semi-auto, burst, automatic, or energy weapon variants.
Fixed an issue where The Insight Terminus Nightfall Triumph wasn’t counting progress.
Fixed an issue where Guardian Games Ghosts were removed from inventory.Alongside this hotfix, players who lost Guardian Games Ghosts will receive replacements upon log-in.If your Inventory is full when entering orbit, Ghosts will be forwarded to the Postmaster.
One of the other big changes to Destiny 2 didn’t last too long last week, as a plan to tweak team-balancing in the PvP Crucible mode was rolled back after it caused problems in the Iron Banner event. Bungie explained that the balance tweak, which matched players up based on connection rather than just skill as it had done in the past, was interacting badly with groups of players being unable to join games.