Destiny 2 Raid Root Of Nightmares Gets Master Difficulty And A Tougher Nezarec Boss Fight Soon

Destiny 2‘s Root of Nightmares raid is one of the more mechanically challenging PvE activities in the game, but it’s also one with a surprisingly easy final encounter provided that your team has a Warlock who can activate their Well of Radiance Super. Thanks to an issue in the raid, using that Super will result in Nezarec not always responding to a fireteam when they stand inside of that empowering zone, and fireteams can easily take down the raid boss in one or two turns when they concentrate their attacks.

Bungie plans to address that issue in a future update, as the developer explained that Nezarec will live up to his title as the Final God of Pain once his behavior has been adjusted. “While it is our philosophy to avoid making dramatic tuning changes to an activity once it is live, we feel it better to address the responsiveness of the boss and accept that it may alter current strategies and increased the level of challenge,” Bungie explained.

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Bungie added that a jump pad issue, specifically in the second Scission encounter, has been unintentionally eliminating players, with the culprit behind this bug being high frame rates. This issue is currently being investigated and will be addressed in a future patch.

The other big update for the Lightfall raid is that the Master difficulty mode will arrive next week alongside weekly challenges for the activity. Weekly Challenges will add an optional hidden objective to one encounter each week, and when completed, extra loot can be earned. On Normal difficulty, you’ll gain double drop rewards, and when the secret objective is cleared on Master difficulty, an Adept raid weapon will drop.

Enhancing Master Root of Nightmares Adept weapons will be possible, but this feature will only be available after the mid-season patch arrives. In more Destiny 2 news, Cabal Threshers have mercifully been nerfed, a certain Trials submachine gun has become very popular, and big changes are on the way for PvP.

Every Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotic RevealedSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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