Destiny 2 Season 14 Will See The Return Of Ada-1, Changes Made To Trials And Nightfall Weapons

Destiny 2 developer Bungie has outlined a few changes in its weekly blog post on how vendors will operate once Season 14 begins later this year. One of the major revisions will see the return of the Black Armory’s curator Ada-1, who’ll now be the go-to vendor for armor in Destiny 2.

Ada-1 will offer a variety of armor-focused items and upgrades and will sell one randomly chosen mod from the general and armor slot, a chosen Combat Style armor mod, and one weekly armor set randomly chosen from the World Loot Pool that comes with its own stat roll.

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Armor upgrade materials such as Upgrade Modules, Enhancement Prisms, and Ascendant Shards will also be available through Ada-1, whose role will be associated with the upcoming transmog system also known as Armor Synthesis.

Gunsmith Banshee-44 will see his store inventory revised, and will now sell a selection of six weapons, randomly chosen from the weapons in the World Loot Pool. Perk rolls on each weapon will be randomly determined at the start of the week, with two choices available in the Kinetic, Energy, and Power weapon categories.

Bungie’s weapons feature lead Chris Proctor also responded to feedback from players asking for powerful perks such as Celerity and Bottomless Grief to be added as intrinsic bonuses to Adept weapons. Changes to weapons are in the pipeline, with Proctor noting that the request to make these perks intrinsic to Trials and Nightfall weapons is a great idea thematically but would end up causing too many performance and power creep problems.

Season 14 will see the following changes made to Trials and Nightfall weapons and their Adept versions:

Nightfall weapons

Bottomless Grief grants a permanently active +30 to Magazine.Bottomless Grief is now a fixed alternate perk in the left column on Adept drops of Nightfall weapons (i.e. you can switch between that and the randomly rolled perk in the inspection screen).

Trials weapons

Celerity grants a permanently active +20 to both Reload and Handling.Celerity is now a fixed alternate perk in the right column on Adept drops of Trials weapons (i.e. you can switch between that and the randomly rolled perk in the inspection screen).

A new hotfix went live this week in Destiny 2, and while it isn’t as substantial a patch as March’s major Stasis rebalancing act in the Crucible, it does provide a number of tweaks and fixes to problems that had begun cropping up in the Proving Grounds Strike and Xenophage Exotic quest chain.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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