Destiny 2 Season 15 Reputation Changes Detailed

Bungie is making big changes to the Destiny 2 reputation system in Season 15. In a blog post on Bungie’s website, rituals lead Alan Blaine provided details on the updates coming to the reputation system, aimed at streamlining the experience.

In Season 15, the reputation systems from Lord Shaxx, The Drifter, and Commander Zavala will be renamed Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard ranks, respectively. The names Infamy and Valor are being retired, while Glory will continue to be used for the competitive Crucible reputation system.

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The ranking progression system is being altered as well, to allow players to reset the reputation system faster on average. This is being achieved by removing ritual-specific rules that impede progress, removing win streaks in favor of activity streak bonuses, and standardizing reputation bonus weeks to double multipliers. Blaine said that currently it would take someone who consistently loses their PvP Crucible or Gambit matches three to four times as long as someone who wins consistently to complete their Crucible reset. The new changes in Season 15 will make that more forgiving, so it’ll only take you twice as long to reset if you find yourself on a losing streak. It is now expected that two-thirds of reputation will come from just playing the game but players can progress faster by winning.

Commander Zavala will be getting a full ritual progression similar to what’s already in place for Crucible and Gambit, with Vanguard Tokens being retired when Season 15 starts. Players will earn Vanguard reputation from completing Strikes, Nightfalls, and Battlegrounds, with Nightfalls offering bonuses based on high scores. Zavala will also have a full reputation reward line, like Lord Shaxx and The Drifter, offering powerful rewards every third rank and an Ascendant Shard on the first reset.

Season 15 will introduce activity streaks, which will award bonus reputation for staying in Vanguard activities. The streak also won’t end if you return to the Tower as long as you don’t become inactive for an extended period of time.

Seasonal weapons and ornaments are being moved to the reputation reward tracks for Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit in Season 15. Seasonal challenges are also being updated to include ritual weapon rewards.

Coming mid-Season 15 are some additional changes to the Grandmaster catch-up node. The catch-up node will be available to players as soon as the Grandmaster difficulty is available, as long as you have the Conqueror title but haven’t gilded yet that season. Each Grandmaster Nightfall will be available to select if the fireteam leader has not yet completed the gliding Triumph for that strike yet. Once your title has been gilded the catch-up node will no longer be available.

Season 15 of Destiny 2 launches on August 24.

About James Carr

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