Destiny 2's Season 19 Artifact Will Make Solo Legend Lost Sector Activities A Little Bit Easier

Like previous seasons of Destiny 2, Season 19 will introduce a new Seasonal Artifact for players to experiment with. Seasonal Artifacts are useful for the boost in power that they provide to players, but the real benefits come from the selection of unlockable perks that can be used in tandem with specific subclass builds to create devastating builds and a number of anti-Champion mods that come in handy for higher-level PvE activities.

For the next season, Bungie says that the Seasonal Artifact will focus on the Stasis subclass and will feature some experimental mods that don’t follow the usual formula. Next season will also see some tweaks to the Stasis subclass, so this artifact will come at a time when Bungie wants more players to experiment with a subclass that has largely been left aside in favor of the overhauled Solar, Void, and Arc skillsets.

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Artifact mods for the chest and leg slots will grant bonuses to resilience and mobility, respectively, and there’ll be a helmet mod that grants additional airborne effectiveness to your weapons. “The Monochromatic Maestro mod in the class item slot rewards you generously for using weapons and subclasses that match their damage types,” Bungie added.

For solo players, Bungie is adding a mod that says will be very useful for tackling Legend Lost Sectors, an activity that most players grind through to get missing Exotic armor or better rolls of that gear. As for weapons that will be used to defeat the Champions lurking in these Lost Sectors, there’ll be anti-Champion mods for Hand Cannons, Scout Rifles, Bows, Pulse Rifles, Auto Rifles, and Submachine Guns, as well as the return of the Unstoppable Grenade Launcher mod.

The Lucent Finisher mod will return to help generate some heavy ammo bricks, and Bungie says that it has some new twists on a few old favorites planned, including a version of Passive Guard that works with Glaives and a reprisal of Breach and Clear designed to interact with the Void 3.0 rework.

Plenty of other changes coming next season in Destiny 2 ahead of February 2023’s Lightfall expansion launch. From an overhaul of PvP to a rework of several Exotics, Bungie is fine-tuning its sandbox ahead of the penultimate chapter in the Light and Darkness saga.

The Best (And Most Ridiculously Fun) Destiny 2 ExoticsSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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