Destiny 2 Season Of Plunder Issues Include Disabled Titan Exotic, Treasure Coordinates Bug

Following the launch of Destiny 2’s latest major update Season of Plunder, Bungie has highlighted the known issues currently causing problems.

Sharing on Twitter shortly after the release, the developer confirmed that it is currently investigating a series of problems that players may experience in the update, although the cause of each has yet to be detailed. Bungie has confirmed that it has temporarily disabled the new Point-Contract Cannon Brace Titan exotic, and players who acquire the Under One Banner crew upgrade won’t be able to earn the bonus Treasure Coordinates when in a fireteam of other players who own the Season of Plunder Season Pass.

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With the new Ketchcrash activity, players may find that the Security Optic health bar may disappear or display an inaccurate health bar when it’s damaged too quickly, while the turrets can prevent players from successfully regenerating their own health.

It’s been discovered that Skeleton Key Mods Seasonal Triumph does not correctly progress when unlocking Artifact mods and players may be blocked from Seasonal progress if they return to orbit too quickly after completing the boss encounter of the Salvage and Salvation Seasonal intro.

Additionally, the Vow of the Disciple raid does not successfully reset its completion at the Weekly Reset, which is currently preventing players from earning new rewards in the next week. A few other minor issues include one where the Quicksilver Storm Exotic auto rifle has no icon when equipped, while the Cry Mutiny heavy grenade launcher is appearing in the special grenade launcher section of players’ Collections.

Though Bungie has said it will continue to update the known issues on its website, it has yet to address the fact that heavy grenade launchers are incredibly overpowered.

Destiny 2: Lightfall has officially been revealed and will launch on February 28, 2023.

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About Demi Williams

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