Destiny 2 Season Of Plunder: Seasonal Challenges Guide Week 10

It’s the tenth week of Season of Plunder in Destiny 2, and if you’ve hopped into this pirate adventure right from the start, then you have one more set of seasonal objectives to chase down. This week is modest with those goals, as you’ll be cleaning house to get your last pieces of Repute for the Star Chart.

Equip an Arc or Stasis subclass, load up some Ketchcrash rounds, and level up a shaped seasonal weapon to knock out three tasks that’ll reward you with the final pieces of Repute. Once you’re done there, head on down to the EDZ and earn yourself some Bright Dust by smashing through activities in that patrol zone.

If you’re up for a challenge, you can tackle a Legendary Lost Sector and maybe even earn yourself a new Exotic like Fallen Sunstar or Point-Contact Cannon Braces depending on the gear rotations this week.

That steady flow of experience will help fill up your season pass sooner so that you can grab even more loot in the process to outfit your Guardian with in Season of Plunder. You can also tackle seasonal challenges at your own pace, as they’ll only expire once the season concludes in December. If you decide to take a break from Destiny 2 for a week or two, you can return and complete multiple challenges at the same time.

For more on Destiny 2, check out what’s new in this year’s Festival of the Lost event, how weapons are being fine-tuned in a mid-season patch, and say goodbye to destination materials next season.

Table of Contents [hide]Week 10Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9How Do Seasonal Challenges Work?

Week 10

Freebooter II

Open Expedition bonus chests and chests from Master Ketchcrash. Also, spend Plundered Umbral Energy at the Star Chart to focus engrams throughout the season.

ReputeChallenger XP

Shaper III

Level seasonal shaped weapons to level 20.

ReputeChallenger XP


Defeat Targets with Arc or Stasis supers. Enemies defeated in Ketchcrash and Expedition, and defeated Guardians, will award bonus progress.

ReputeChallenger XP

EDZ Activities

In the EDZ, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Intended Authority

Acquire the Vanguard ornament for Cry Mutiny.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Week 1

Successful Expedition

Obtain Plundered Umbral energy from bonus chests in Expedition.


Challenger XPRepute

Antiquarian I

Return the first relic to the HELM. Defeat combatants on Europa. Defeating combatants with a Fusion Rifle will award bonus progress.


Challenger XPRepute

Fire Discipline

Complete Ketchcrash activities and activate cannons aboard the deck of your Ketch.


Challenger XP

Shaper I

Shape three unique seasonal weapons.


Challenger XP

Europa Activities

On Europa, earn progress by completing Bounties, Lost Sectors, Patrols, and Public Events.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Taking All Challenges

Complete weekly playlist challenges.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Long-Range Calibration

Calibrate long-range weapons–pulse rifles, bows, and trace rifles–on Europa. Bonus progress in Lost Sectors.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Dredgin’ Up Victory

Complete Gambit matches. Earn bonus progress for wins.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Flourish of Power

Defeat Guardians in the Mayhem playlist with Super abilities.


Challenger XPBright Dust

The Fallen Fall

Defeat Fallen combatants in Vanguard playlists or strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Week 2

Antiquarian II

Return the second Relic to the HELM. Defeat Fallen. Defeating them with precision final blows will award bonus progress.


ReputeChallenger XP

Expert Expedition I

Complete Expeditions and gather treasure in the treasure haul.


ReputeChallenger XP

Seeker’s Cache I

Complete bounties from the Star Chart or on Nessus, Cosmodrome, or Europa. Also, decipher the small treasure beacon, available from the Star Chart in the HELM.


Challenger XP


Defeat targets with submachine guns. Defeating combatants in Ketchcrash and defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.


Challenger XP

Cosmodrome Activities

In the Cosmodrome, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, Lost Sectors, and public events.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Lost in the Legend

Complete a Lost Sector on Legend or higher.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Close-Range Calibration

Calibrate close-range weapons–sidearms, submachine guns, shotguns, glaives, and swords–in the Cosmodrome. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating opponents.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Bank, Kill, Repeat

Earn points by banking motes, defeating blockers, and defeating Guardians in Gambit.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Arc of History

Defeat Guardians with Arc damage. Bonus progress is granted for defeating blinded opponents.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Anti-Cabal Sweep

Defeat Cabal combatants in Vanguard playlists or Strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Week 3

Antiquarian III

Return the third relic to the HELM. Also, defeat Cabal. Defeating them with finishers will award bonus progress.


Challenger XPRepute

Sextant Navigation I

Collect Map Fragments and Treasure Coordinates during Season of Plunder.


Challenger XP

Ketchcrasher I

In Ketchcrash, destroy shield generators in the Maintenance Bay, hack terminals in the Treasure Hoard, and destroy storage tanks in Ether Storage.


Challenger XPRepute


Defeat targets with machine guns. Defeating combatants in Expedition and defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.


Challenger XP

Nessus Activities

On Nessus, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Power Broker

Reach power level 1,570 by earning powerful rewards and engrams.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Mid-Range Calibration

Calibrate mid-range weapons–hand cannons, glaives, auto rifles, fusion rifles, machine guns–on Nessus. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating combatants.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Primeval Entourage

Defeat Taken in Gambit. Earn bonus progress for tougher combatants.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Iron Sharpens Iron

Complete Crucible matches. Earn bonus progress in Iron Banner and for victories.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Ultimate Champion

Defeat Champions in any Nightfall strike on Hero difficulty or higher. Earn bonus progress at higher difficulty tiers.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Week 4

Antiquarian IV

Return the fourth Relic to the HELM. Also, defeat Vex. Defeating them with melee abilities will award bonus progress.


Challenger XPRepute

Freebooter I

Use Treasure Maps to reveal additional rewards at the end of Expeditions. Using advanced Treasure Maps will ward additional progress. Also, spend Umbral Energy at the Star Chart to focus engrams throughout the season.


Challenger XPRepute


Complete Ketchcrash on Master difficulty.


Challenger XP


Defeat targets with shotguns and defeat blinded combatants. Defeating combatants in Expedition and Guardians will award bonus progress.


Challenger XP

Mod Collector

Unlock artifact mods.


Challenger XP

Precision Calibration

Land precision final blows with marksman weapons–sniper rifles, scout rifles, and linear fusion rifles. Bonus progress against Guardians.


Challenger XPBright Dust

High-Value Hunter

Defeat powerful combatants in Gambit, with bonus progress for defeating high-value targets.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Slowed Down

Defeat Guardians with Stasis damage. Bonus progress for defeating opponents who are already slowed or frozen.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Darkest Nightfall

Complete any 3 Nightfall Strikes on Hero difficulty or higher. Awards a Nightfall weapon.


Challenger XPBright DustNightfall weapon

Week 5

Antiquarian V

Return the fifth Relic to the HELM. Also, defeat powerful Fallen throughout the system. Defeating more powerful combatants will award bonus progress.


Challenger XPRepute

Expert Expedition II

In Expedition, gather treasure into the treasure haul and defeat Champions.


Challenger XP

Seeker’s Cache II

Summon crewmates in Expedition and Ketchcrash. Also, decipher the Medium Treasure Beacon, available from the Star Chart in the HELM.


Challenger XPRepute


Defeat targets with scout rifles and shatter damage. Defeating combatants in Ketchcrash and defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.


Challenger XP

Resist and Revolt

Acquire the grenade launcher Cry Mutiny.


Challenger XPBright Dust


Defeat Guardians in the Crucible. Bonus progress is granted for opponents defeated with the help of Arc or Stasis effects.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Oh Captain

Defeat Cabal and Fallen bosses in Strikes or Vanguard playlists.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Week 6

Antiquarian VI

Return the Sixth Relic to the HELM. Defeat powerful Cabal throughout the system. Defeating more powerful combatants will award bonus progress.


Challenger XPRepute

Raise a Glass

Perform emotes at the end of Ketchrash or Expedition for additional rewards. Doing so on Master difficulty will award bonus progress.


Challenger XPRepute

Ketchcrasher II

In Ketchcrash, destroy shield generators in the Maintenance Bay, hack Terminals in the Treasure Hoard, and destroy storage tanks in Ether Storage. Doing so on Master difficulty will award bonus progress.


Challenger XP


Defeat targets with Arc or Stasis abilities. Defeating combatants in Expedition and defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.


Challenger XP

Apex Armorer

Masterwork a piece of armor.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Absolutely Stunning

Stun Champions.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Intended Authority

Acquire the Crucible ornament for Cry Mutiny.


Challenger XPBright Dust

Week 7

Antiquarian VII

Return the seventh Relic to the Helm. Defeat powerful Vex throughout the system. Defeating more powerful combatants will award bonus progress.

ReputeChallenger XP

Efficient Expedition

Complete Expedition in each destination in under 10 minutes.

Challenger XP

Shaper II

Level seasonal Shaped weapons to level 10.

ReputeChallenger XP


Defeat targets with sidearms and defeat jolted targets. Defeating combatants in Ketchrash and defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.

Challenger XP

Closing In

Defeat targets with machine guns, sniper rifles, and swords in Gambit. Defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Fleeting Glory

Complete Crucible matches in the Glory rank playlist. Earn bonus progress for wins.

Challenger XPBright Dust


Complete any Nightfall strike on Grandmaster.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Week 8

Antiquarian VIII

Return the eighth Relic to the HELM and defeat Champions across the system. Champions defeated in Ketchcrash and Expedition will award bonus progress.

ReputeChallenger XP

Sextant Navigation II

Collect map fragments and treasure coordinates throughout the system.

ReputeChallenger XP


Defeat Champions and bosses in Ketchcrash.

Challenger XP


Reach Power Level 1580 by earning pinnacle rewards.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Hold the Trigger

Calibrate machine guns, scout rifles, and sidearms. Rapidly defeating opponents and Guardians will award bonus progress.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Intended Mischief

Acquire the Gambit ornament for Cry Mutiny.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Week 9

Expert Expedition III

In Expedition, gather treasure and defeat Ruffians.

ReputeChallenger XP

Seeker’s Cache III

Summon First Mates in Expedition and Ketchrash. Also decipher the Large Treasure Beacon.

ReputeChallenger XP


Defeat targets with linear fusion rifles and defeat slowed combatants. Defeating combatants in Ketchcrash and defeating Guardians will reward bonus progress

Challenger XP

Armory-Wide Calibration

Calibrate Kinetic, Energy, and Power weapons. Bonus progress against Champions.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Cold Lightning

In Gambit, defeat targets with Arc or Stasis effects. Bonus progress for defeating Guardians.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Trial by Firing Squad

Win multiple rounds in the Trials of Osiris.

Challenger XPBright Dust

Arc Vanguard

Defeat targets with Arc or Stasis effects in Vanguard playlists.

Challenger XPBright Dust

How Do Seasonal Challenges Work?

Seasonal Challenges can be accessed from the Quests tab in your main menu, which is where you’ll find tasks that revolve around eliminating certain enemies with a specific element, taking part in one of the game’s new activities, or completing a Raid. Each challenge can be completed once per account, and each week will usually add around 10 new challenges which will be active for the duration of the season.

Completing Season of Plunder’s challenges will fulfill the requirements for the seasonal challenge, which in turn will net you a large Bright Dust reward that can be spent in the Eververse store on select cosmetics, emotes, and items.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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