Destiny 2 Season Of The Chosen Begins On February 9, Latest Trailer Shows Off New Exotic And Classic Strikes

With the launch of Beyond Light in November, Destiny 2‘s latest season also introduced the first chapter in a new year-long story. That narrative will continue in the next season on February 9, which Bungie has officially revealed to be Season of the Chosen.

With the Hive God Xivu Zarath and the Darkness Pyramids still spreading their influence throughout the solar system, Season of the Chosen focuses on a new Cabal incursion led by Empress Caiatl.

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The daughter of Calus arrives and proposes that the Vanguard joins forces with her army to bring order to the system, but the price for this alliance is subservience to the new Cabal empire. Naturally, the Vanguard isn’t ready to bend the knee to one of its oldest enemies.

Season of the Chosen will also offer new rewards for players who unlock the season pass. A fresh set of seasonal armor, the new Exotic bow Ticuu’s Divination and an XP boost will be made available amongst other unlockable gear and materials. Battlegrounds, a new three-player co-op activity, will pit players against Caiatl’s toughest warriors.

Two classic Strikes are also making a comeback, as Bungie is bringing back the Devil’s Lair, and Fallen S.A.B.E.R. at the start of Season 13. A new Strike called Proving Grounds will also unlock later in the season, and will task players with taking down Caiatl’s elite soldiers once again.

There’s also some suggestion that the Scorn will see as resurgence in the Season of the Chosen. The trailer ends with a flash of a Scorn screeb, seemingly on a Cabal ship, with Osiris giving the voice over, “There’s no Light here.” Since we know Bungie is re-releasing weapons and armor from the Dreaming City and the Moon, it would make sense for the Scorn to be a bigger part of the story once again–they’ve taken a back seat since Forsaken.

Bungie is changing how it’ll hand out weekly rewards, while some some weapons and armor will be back in rotation in an effort to make past destinations and activities more enticing. Trials of Osiris will also have new gear to fight over in the high-level PvP activity, and the weekly Bounty system is being retired in favour of Seasonal Challenges.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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