Destiny 2 Season Of The Lost: Seasonal Challenges Guide (Week 10)

Only a handful of challenges have been added to the Destiny 2 quest tab this week, now that the Wayfinder’s Voyage storyline has wrapped up. An easy selection of tasks, a few runs in Astral Alignment, and a journey into the Ascendant Realms with the right gear equipped should see most of these objectives completed quickly and smoothly.

Like previous weeks, you won’t have to complete every objective within seven days as Destiny 2 stacks new seasonal challenges on top of older ones. The advantage to this system is that it not only allows you to prioritize the tasks you deem most important, but you can sometimes complete multiple challenges at the same time.

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Here’s how it works and all of the seasonal challenges available so far.

Table of Contents [hide]Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 1Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 2Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 3Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 4Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 5Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 6Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 7Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 8Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 9Seasonal ChallengeSeason of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 10How Do Seasonal Challenges Work?

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 1

Week 1’s challenges are focused on starting the new Wayfinder’s Voyage quest through the Astral Alignment activity, gathering Parallax Trajectory, and taking part in weekly playlist challenges. For the objective that requires taking out legions of Scorn enemies, The Hollowed Lair in the Tangled Shore is a good location to farm.

Wayfinder’s Voyage I

Use the Wayfinder’s Compass to complete Wayfinder’s Voyage I. Also, defeat Taken anywhere in the system. Powerful Taken in the Shattered Realm award more progress.

Umbral Wayfinder I

Use Parallax Trajectory to focus Umbral Engrams at the Prismatic Recaster in the H.E.L.M. Open Wayfinder’s Troves in the Astral Alignment activity.

Ascendant Ballast I

Gather Ascendant Anchors from patrol destinations and the Shattered Realm.

Ley Line Rumors

Align beacons and discover Trivial Mysteries in the Shattered Realm.

Momentum Clash

Defeat Guardians in Momentum Control. Earn bonus progress with Zone Advantage.

Dredgin’ Up Victory

Complete Gambit matches. Earn bonus progress for wins.

Challenger’s Aspiration

Complete weekly playlist challenges.

EDZ Patrol

In the EDZ, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

Mid-range Calibration

Calibrate mid-range weapons–Hand Cannons, Auto Rifles, Fusion Rifles, and Machine Guns–in the EDZ. Bonus Progress for rapidly defeating combatants.

Scorn Pest Control

Defeat Scorn combatants in strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 2

Week 2 splits the challenges between continuing the Wayfinder Voyage quest, getting some Linear Fusion Rifle practice, and spending some time in the Iron Banner. For the Taken Eradication challenge, the Lake of Shadows strike in the EDZ and The Corrupted Strike in the Dreaming City are good sources to farm.

Tracing the Stars also continues this week, and if you’re looking for the locations of the Atlas Skews, you can check out our guide.

Wayfinder’s Voyage II

Use the Wayfinder’s Compass to complete Wayfinder’s Voyage II. Also, defeat Scorn with Grenade Launchers.

Ley Line Secrets

Align beacons and discover Trivial and Enigmatic Mysteries within the Shattered Realm.

Umbral Wayfinder II

Use Parallax Trajectory to focus Umbral Engrams at the Prismatic Recaster in the H.E.L.M. Open Wayfinder’s Troves in the Astral Alignment activity.

Astral Lancer

Defeat combatants with Linear Fusion Rifles. Combatants defeated in the Shattered Realm or Astral Alignment activities grant bonus progress.

Iron Sharpens Iron

Complete Iron Banner matches. Earn bonus progress for wins.

Drifter’s Chosen

Earn points by banking Motes, defeating Blockers, and defeating Guardians in Gambit.

The Tangled Web We Weave

On the Tangled Shore, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

Contender’s Delve

Complete a Lost Sector on Legend or higher.

Close-Range Calibration

Calibrate close-range weapons–Sidearms, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, and Swords–on the Tangled Shore. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating combatants.

Taken Eradication

Defeat Taken combatants in strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.

Week 3’s challenges largely deal with eliminating Hive and Taken opponents, so head down to the Moon and take part in the Altar of Sorrows. This will easily complete the Hive requirement of this quest, and you’ll earn progress for the Light Moon Rising challenge. As for the Taken, this week is a good time to hop into a few rounds of Gambit for this quest as you’ll be able to earn double infamy experience points in Drifter’s PvPvE lair.

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 3

Wayfinder’s Voyage III

Use the Wayfinder’s Compass to complete Wayfinder’s Voyage III. Also, defeat Taken and Hive anywhere in the system. Stasis final blows will grant more progress.

Initiate Ley Liner

Complete rounds of Astral Alignment and defeat Taken with the Taken Relic.

Astral Telemetry I

Gather Parallax Trajectories from playlist or Astral Alignment activities, or from Ascendant Anchors found on destinations and in the Shattered Realm activity.

Umbral Wayfinder III

Focus Tier II or greater Umbral Engrams at the Prismatic Recaster in the H.E.L.M. Open Wayfinder’s Troves in the Astral Alignment activity.

Sacred Scorcher

Defeat Guardians in Team Scorched. Earn bonus progress for charged detonations.

Primeval Entourage

Defeat Taken in Gambit. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.

Light Moon Rising

On the Moon, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

Challenger’s Apogee

Reach Power Level 1320 by earning powerful rewards and Prime Engrams.

Long-Range Calibration

Calibrate long-range weapons–Pulse Rifles, Bows, and Trace Rifles–on the Moon. Bonus progress in Lost Sectors.

Ultimate Champion

Defeat Champions in any Nightfall strike on Hero difficulty or higher. Earn bonus progress at higher difficulty tiers.

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 4

This week’s challenges will likely see you spending some time in the Tangled Shore, a location infested with Scorn. Besides encountering them in Sorik’s Cut and Thieves’ Landing, the Kingship Dock lost sector and The Hollowed Lair strike are also solid locations for quickly earning Scorn kills for the Wayfinders Voyage IV challenge. Astral Authority tasks you with grabbing Trace Rifle kills, and by now you should have at least one of the rare Exotics in your collection.

If you haven’t acquired one yet, you’ll either need to hope that one drops as an Exotic engram, is available from Xur when he visits every weekend, or spend a hard-earned Exotic Cipher at the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower. Alternatively, you can take part in a Shadowkeep quest to unlock the trace rifle Divinity, if you’re up for taking part in the Garden of Salvation raid.

The quickest way to get a Trace Rifle–or at least a new one–this week, may be to take part in the Ager’s Scepter quest that has just gone live. We’ll update this post with a guide on how to obtain the latest Exotic soon.

Wayfinder’s Voyage IV

Use the Wayfinder’s Compass to complete Wayfinder’s Voyage IV. Also, defeat Scorn anywhere in the system. Defeating Scorn with melee abilities grants bonus progress.

Ley Line Mysteries

Align beacons and discover Trivial and Ascendant Mysteries within the Shattered Realm.

Astral Telemetry II

Gather Parallax Trajectories from playlist or Astral Alignment activities, or from Ascendant Anchors found on destinations and in the Shattered Realm activity.

Astral Authority

Defeat combatants with Trace Rifles. Combatants defeated in the Shattered Realm or Astral Alignment activities grant bonus progress.

Entertain Lord Shaxx

Complete matches in the Showdown Crucible playlist. Earn bonus progress for wins.

High-Value Hunter

Defeat powerful combatants in Gambit. Earn bonus progress for defeating high-value targets.

Trials of the Tinker

Unlock artifact mods.

Precision Calibration

Calibrate marksman weapons–Scout Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Linear Fusion Rifles–by landing precision final blows. Bonus progress against Guardians.

Vanguard Chosen

Complete any Nightfall strike on Hero difficulty or higher.

For this week, there are only seven objectives to focus on. Wayfinder’s Voyage enters a new phase, with the primary objective of this seasonal quest being a Taken hunt. For the Taken part of this quest, you can easily farm them in the EDZ’s Cavern of Souls lost sector, or you can run through the Lake of Shadows strike. At this point, you should have several bows in your arsenal, and there’s even a few Exotic variants to equip if you’ve been collecting them such as Leviathan’s Breath, Ticuu’s Divination, and Wish-Ender.

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 5

Wayfinder’s Voyage V

Use the Wayfinder’s Compass to complete Wayfinder’s Voyage V. Also, defeat Taken with Bows anywhere in the system.

Deceiving Appearances

Use Ager’s Scepter to carve a path through Illusory Barriers in the Shattered Realm and claim the treasures they conceal. Additionally, align beacons in the Shattered Realm.

Ascendant Ballast II

Gather Ascendant Anchors from patrol destinations and the Shattered Realm.

Stellar Aim

Defeat combatants with Hand Cannons and Stasis damage. Combatants defeated in the Astral Alignment activity grant bonus progress.

Zone Controller

Capture zones in any Crucible match.

Astral Calibration

Acquire the seasonal ritual weapon.

Strike at Xivu Arath’s Minions

Defeat Taken and Scorn bosses in strikes.

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 6

Wayfinder’s Voyage VI

Use the Wayfinder’s Compass to complete Wayfinder’s Voyage VI. Also, Defeat Scorn anywhere in the system. Powerful Scorn in the Alignment Activity grants bonus progress.

Advanced Ley Liner

Complete rounds of Astral Alignment and install Paracausal Batteries.

Astral Telemetry III

Gather Parallax Trajectories from playlist or Astral Alignment activities, or from Ascendant Anchors found on destinations and in the Shattered Realm activity.

Solar Fusion Power

Defeat combatants with Fusion Rifles and Solar melee attacks. Combatants defeated in the Shattered Realm activity will grant bonus progress.

Display of Dominance

Acquire the Crucible ornament for Ascendancy.

Apex Armorer

Masterwork a piece of armor.

Sling the Stone

Stagger, pierce, or disrupt Champions.

This week’s challenges aren’t too difficult, as you won’t be farming Strikes or specific enemy types in any single location. Merely don your favorite Solar subclass, grab a fusion rifle, and go to town in Astral Alignment, and you’ll have already completed a sizable amount of objectives, netting a healthy bundle of experience points and rewards in the process.

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 7

Wayfinder’s Voyage VII

Use the Wayfinder’s Compass to complete Wayfinder’s Voyage VII. Also, defeat Taken or Scorn with Shotguns anywhere in the system.

Efficient Ley Liner

Complete the Alignment activity in under 10 minutes.

Umbral Maven

Focus Tier III Umbral Engrams at the Prismatic Recaster in the H.E.L.M.


Defeat combatants with Stasis abilities, Solar abilities, or shatter damage. Combatants defeated with Solar or Stasis melee attacks award bonus progress.

Cadre of Contenders

Complete Crucible matches in the Glory Rank playlist. Earn bonus progress for wins.

Bring a Fusion Sword

Defeat targets with Fusion Rifles and Swords in Gambit. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress.

Conquest of the Mighty

Complete any Nightfall strike on Grandmaster.

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 8

Aggressive Cartography

Complete a Legendary branch of the Shattered Realm.

Ruthless Ley Liner

Complete the Astral Alignment activity and destroy Ether.

Shattered Blademaster

Defeat combatants with Swords in the Shattered Realm activity. Defeating powerful combatants grants bonus progress.

Display of Authority

Acquire the Gambit ornament for Ascendancy.


Reach Power Level 1330 by earning powerful rewards and Prime Engrams.

Fusion Rifle and Sword Calibration

Calibrate Fusion Rifles and Swords. Earn bonus progress against opposing Guardians.

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 9

Legendary Ley Liner

Complete the Astral Alignment activity at Legendary difficulty.

Astral Assault

Defeat combatants with Auto Rifles and melee attacks. Defeating combatants in the Astral Alignment activity grants bonus progress.

Trial by Firing Squad

Win multiple rounds in the Trials of Osiris.

Elemental Gambit

Complete Gambit matches with each elemental subclass.

Armory-Wide Calibration

Calibrate Kinetic, Energy, and Power weapons. Bonus progress against Champions.

Elemental Splicing

Complete strikes as each elemental subclass.

Seasonal Challenge

Master Of All

Complete all seasonal challenges.

Season of the Lost Weekly Challenges – Week 10

Ascendant Quickening

Complete the Legendary Shattered Realm activity in under 25 minutes.

Techeun’s Cunning

Fully upgrade the Barrier Breach, True Sight, and Safe Passage abilities.

Cold Light of Day

Defeat combatants with Solar abilities, Stasis abilities, or shatter damage. Rapidly defeating combatants with Supers grants bonus progress.

Dreaming City Defense

Repel Xivu Arath’s footholds in the Dreaming City by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

Display of Supremacy

Acquire the Vanguard ornament for Ascendancy.

How Do Seasonal Challenges Work?

You can access Seasonal Challenges from the Quests tab, where they can find tasks such as eliminating Scorn with grenade launchers, farming for Parallax Trajectory, and uncovering Ley Line secrets during this season’s quest. Completing a challenge always rewards you with a significant amount of XP, and other tasks include bright dust, emblems, and weapons. Each challenge can be completed once per account, and each week will usually add around 10 new challenges which will be active for the duration of the season.

If you arrive late to the seasonal party, the good news is that there’ll still be time to wrap up any lingering tasks before the next season begins, usually from week 10 onwards during a season. Completing Season of the Lost‘s challenges will fulfill the requirements for the Master of All seasonal challenge, which in turn will net you a large Bright Dust reward that can be spent in the Eververse store on select cosmetics, emotes, and items.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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