Destiny 2 Season Of The Splicer Patch Notes Season 14 Balances Stasis Subclasses, Reworks PvP Ranks

Every new season of Destiny 2 brings with it a fresh patch to prepare Bungie’s sandbox for several months of activity, and Season of the Splicer won’t be any different. Launching today on May 11, update will address longstanding feedback on certain items and will make some backend changes to the game. We’ve updated this story to include the full list of patch notes below from Bungie, which are rather extensive. Be aware going in that Destiny 2’s servers are a mess right now, with “Honeydew” errors being common, among other problems.

One of the more interesting additions is an increase in accessibility, as colorblind support is being expanded to include the new Stasis abilities that were introduced in last year’s Beyond Light expansion. Player highlighting in the Crucible now has colorblind support as well, and other elements related to the new Guardian powers should be more visually distinct when this mode is activated.

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In terms of Stasis subclass balancing, Hunters will now have a reduced freeze detonation radius for their Silence & Squall Super attack, the Shiver Strike melee energy will be refunded back to Titans when Glacial Quake ends, and Warlocks gain two fragment slots with the Bleak Watcher aspect.

Glory, Valor, and Infamy ranks are also being tweaked, as sub-ranks will now simply be referred to as Ranks and all usage has been converted to use them where appropriate. Bungie says that the internal systems have been rebuilt to create a unified implementation, but players should expect minimal perceived changes in-game.

Other quality-of-life changes include the H.E.L.M having its own dedicated tab on the destinations map, a number of user interface tweaks, Shaw Han will have his own selection of repeatable Cosmodrome bounties, and Umbral Engrams now auto-decrypt when focused through the Prismatic Recaster.

All of this and more was revealed in Bungie’s latest weekly update post, which you can read below. It’s worth noting that these are more general patch notes, with a detailed list coming next week.

Other big changes that players can expect next week is that season-exclusive armor will be earned through seasonal events, while Nightfall strikes will offer an opportunity to once again wield the fan-favorite Omolon weapon Hung Jury from the original Destiny.

Destiny 2: Season Of The Splicer Update Patch Notes



Four Lost Sectors have been added to the daily rotation of Legend or Master difficulty Lost Sectors!Fixed case-by-case issues with unresponsive or clumping combatants across various activities.Fixed an issue that could prevent AI enemies from firing in some 6-player activities when there are a lot of enemies alive in the area.


6v6 Crucible activities have an updated intro experience. You can now cycle through your teammates to view metrics associated with the activity you’re entering.Momentum Control and Team Scorched have returned and will be available as part of the weekly playlist rotation.Adjusted The Dead Cliff’s spawn points so that players are no longer placed on the edge of the cliff on match start.Fixed defeat audio sound for teammate defeats in private matches and in Showdown.Disabled mercy rule in private matches.Players can now join a private match in progress at any time, regardless of team scores or time remaining.Fixed inaccessible Heavy ammo placements on Distant Shore, Bannerfall, Widow’s Court, and Altar of Flame.


Fixed a rare issue that could result in fronts not rotating due to a single living enemy hiding at a previously cleared front on the other side of the map.Fixed an incorrect wave progression on Legion’s Folly (Vex).Fixed an issue where a Scorn Abomination could become friendly and start attacking other Scorn.Fixed an issue where dropped motes would disappear immediately if the opposing team summoned their primeval.Fixed an issue where combatants in the Deep Six Gambit map would sometimes fail to move around or take cover.Fixed an issue that was allowing Warlock players to exploit Blink related abilities to remain on the opposing side during invasions in Gambit.


Improved the explanations in some tutorial messages.Tutorial messages will no longer pop up to distract players during Crucible and Gambit matches.Fixed an issue where players could abandon the ‘A Spark of Hope’ quest and not be able to recover it from the Quest Archive vendor in the Tower.


The Moon: Fixed an issue where some quest enemies in Moon free roam would immediately respawn after being defeated.Fixed an issue where the Hive Rune could be missing from one of the stones from a chest puzzle on the Moon.Fixed an issue where some of the chest puzzles on the Moon weren’t appearing.Cosmodrome: Shaw Han now offers repeatable Cosmodrome bounties.Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind the boss portal in the Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector.The Hive under the helicopters in the Divide will now always be that Ogre who first killed you back in 2014.All forgotten dead Ghosts left around the Cosmodrome have been removed and properly laid to rest.The Grottos now has player containment volumes around its water boundaries.Dreaming City: Fixed an issue where filling up your quest/bounty slots could result in players losing an ‘A Small Gift’ pursuit awarded to them.


Fallen S.A.B.E.R.: During the first encounter inside Rasputin’s bunker, the death volume inside the bottomless pits has been lowered to give players a chance to recover.Sped up the transition from orbit briefing dialog to the gameplay by a few seconds.Fixed an issue where dialog lines from the previous area’s public events could play during the Warsat encounter.Player’s Ghosts now immediately revive when the strike ends.The first fireteam member to enter the Warsat area should now reliably see the Warsat falling – be careful!The Devil’s Lair: Removed some objects that could be interacted with but had no effect.Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the air during the Sepiks Prime boss fight when using Thundercrash.Fixed an issue where Sepiks Prime was taking more damage than intended.Inverted Spire: As the boss fight progresses to lower layers, any player’s Ghost left above will now spawn on the current layer.Warden of Nothing: Fixed an issue where the number of champions killed was not always being tracked correctly.Fixed an issue where some Cabal champions were missing from the arena fight in the ruins of the old Prison of Elders.The Corrupted: Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind in the Ogre room if other members of the fireteam ran too far ahead of them.The Disgraced: Fixed an issue where players who had completed the New Light campaign would always hear the New Light dialogue during the strike instead of the normal dialogue.Fixed issues where players could get locked out of the boss room and joining players could spawn in too far behind their fireteam.Proving Grounds: Fixed an issue where the strike name was written as Proving Ground.


Stop the Ether Ritual: Fixed an issue where the UI wouldn’t always display that you had engaged with the public event.Hive Ritual: Fixed an issue where players would engage with the public event simply by being in the same area on the Moon.


Deep Stone Crypt:Fixed an issue where players could hop off Sparrows to reset the fire in the basement of the Crypt Security encounter.Fixed an issue where players can avoid having the Rally Banner removed after starting the final encounter.Fixed an exploit where players can complete the Atraks-1 challenge mode by having players sucked out of the airlock.Fixed an issue where players were able to trigger a quarantine in the Crypt Security encounter by using a finisher on combatants.Garden of Salvation:Fixed an issue where some music would fail to play while on the Divinity quest.The Last Wish:Fixed an issue where Riven could start the wipe cast 20 seconds faster if she went to a certain side.


Pit of Heresy: Fixed an issue that allowed the carry-object to be duplicated when dunking.


Removed display cap on Player Waypoint Season Rank. Waypoint will now show player’s actual Season Rank when it’s above 999.Season Rank now shows up in player nameplate tooltips.Gilded Title gilding count displays on in-game player waypoints.Fixed an issue where some non-Gildable Seals were displaying with Gilding UI.Fixed an issue where the sound effect when gilding a title would not sync with animation.Moved fireteam privacy button in roster layout.Reduced dismantle time and improved dismantle efficiency on some older Fizzled items and currencies.Tooltips for items in Triumphs tab no longer display ‘Triumph’ for all types found within Record tab. Lore, Metric, etc. are all appropriately named.Several changes to Nav Mode: Separated Bounties from Quests in Nav Mode.All Bounties now appear in Nav Mode. They can no longer be Tracked as a result.Category switching on keyboard and mouse can now be controlled with the scroll wheel.Tracked Triumph now appears in its own Nav Mode category.H.E.L.M. now appears in the Director Destinations tab (moved from the Tower map) and has its own map.Legends added to the Director Destinations tab.Shortcut between HUD quest step notifications and quest details screen added for keyboard and mouse users.Updated loading hints regarding anti-Champion modifications.Appearance Customization has been added to the Vanity screen (below the Character screen). Players are now able to fully customize their armors shaders and ornaments from this screen.Players are also now able to unlock the appearances of any armor they have obtained using Clas Specific or MTX Tokens (Synthweave Bolts or Synthweave Template).Players are now able to apply shaders to all their armor at once via the Overview tab.Players are now able to preview shaders/ornaments on multiple pieces at once within the Appearance Customization screen.



In Season of the Hunt, many armor mods were deprecated as a result of the change to the energy types of all weapon-focused armor mods being changed to Any Energy Type. The pre-Armor 2.0 version of these perks have also been deprecated.The Mindvault ornament can now be equipped on the Year-1 version of the Insurmountable Skullfort.Fixed an issue that was resulting in feminine character models utilizing masculine character model hands during certain cinematic scenes (e.g., gear and character preview screens) which was resulting in the hands visibly clipping through the gear wrap bits.Telesto will no longer incorrectly trigger the Death Throes perk of the Verity’s Brow Exotic.Khepri’s Sting will no longer grant Truesight when affected by another Guardian’s smoke bomb invisibility.Felwinter’s Helm will no longer cause 2020 Solstice armor glows to default to Void, regardless of the player’s current subclass.The Heavy Handed mod will now correctly work with the Shiver Strike melee.The Assassin’s Cowl, Severance Enclosure, and Felwinter’s Helm Exotics now trigger their effects on Stasis-powered melee takedowns.Severance Enclosure and Felwinter’s Helm now create their effects at the location of the enemy defeated by a powered melee, instead of originating at the player’s location.Added a full suite of Trace Rifle-focused armor mods to the game.Removed the Infusion Caps from all Legendary armor pieces issued or reissued in Season of the Worthy or later.Armor sets issued in Season of the Worthy and Season of Arrivals have had their Legacy armor mod socket replaced with a Combat Style armor mod socket.


Removed the Infusion Caps from all Legendary weapons issued or reissued in Season of the Worthy or later.Weapon Archetypes Nerfs: Aggressive (120 rpm) Hand Cannons now have damage and aim assist falloff distance reduced by between 2 and 4 meters based on range stat.This roughly halves the range buff they received in Beyond Light.Vortex Frame Sword full energy Heavy attack ammo cost increased from 4 to 6.Removed chip damage from Swords.Buffs: Increased Precision (450 rpm) Auto Rifle damage per bullet from 17 to 18.Added a rare Linear Fusion Rifle and Breech Grenade Launcher to the world loot pool.Increased Linear Fusion Rifle precision damage by 15%, and increased reserve ammo by 20%.Increased damage falloff start distance for Fusion Rifles, no effect on 100 range stat, +2m on 0 range stat.Perks Nerfs: Quickdraw Handling bonus is now removed after 1s after switching to this weapon, or on aiming down sights.Replaced Quickdraw with Surplus on new and existing drops of Felwinter’s Lie and Astral Horizon.Frenzy bonus damage reduced from +20% to +15%.Reservoir Burst now increases magazine size in addition to its other effects, reduced full battery bonus damage from 33% to 25%.Buffs: Subsistence no longer reduces reserve ammunition and Submachine Guns now receive the same ammo fraction per takedown that Auto Rifles do.High-Impact Reserves and Under Pressure are now active as long as their conditions are met (used to trigger on projectile fire).Unrelenting now more easily triggers in PvE (immediate trigger on orange bars) and heals 20% more.Sympathetic Arsenal now grants +20 reload in addition to its primary effect.Dragonfly now works on Heavy Shanks and Servitors, and occurs even faster than after the Season of the Chosen change.Hipfire Grip gains +1 degrees precision hip fire angle threshold, +1.2x reticule stickiness falloff distance (increase from the Season of Arrivals buff).Iron Grip, Iron Gaze, Iron Reach secondary stat penalty reduced from -40 to –30.Osmosis and Elemental Capacitor now works when playing a Stasis subclass.Elemental Capacitor with a Stasis subclass grants +recoil direction and reduces ADS move speed penalty.No Distractions trigger time reduced from 1.5s to 1s and flinch reduction increased from 30% to 35%.Celerity now always grants +20 handling and +20 reload in addition to the triggered effect.Bottomless Grief now always grants +30 magazine stat in addition to the triggered effect.Mods Adept Mag and Adept Targeting secondary stat penalty reduced from -20 to -15, fixed Adept Mag not granting reserves when applied to a Sword.Adept Counterbalance has increased recoil direction benefit.Exotics Mida Multitool catalyst perk changed from Outlaw to No Distractions.Hawkmoon has increased priority of Paracausal Charge and Paracausal Shot buff text (this was sometimes dropping off the bottom of the list).The Lament has reduced damage of revved Heavy attack by ~16%.Bastion chip damage removed and instead intrinsically staggers Unstoppable Champions. Increased spread angle by 13%.Ticuu’s Divination is now acquirable through the Monument to Lost Lights kiosk in the Tower.Bug fixes Surrounded perk buff will no longer linger when using Surrounded Spec mod.Fixed an issue where Symmetry was able to cause damage to friendly teammates in Crucible using its alternate-fire mode.Fixed an issue where precision Hand Cannons would show down arrow on magazine stat when applying a Backup Mag mod.Fixed an issue where magazine size would always display a green increase arrow even when the magazine decreases on Temporal Clause.Fixed an issue where thresh would trigger a generic buff SFX on each kill, even if Super energy is full.Fixed and issue where Cloudstrike could trigger the lightning storm even if shooting invulnerable targets.Fixed an issue where Bad Juju’s emissive color was white instead of its normal green.Fixed an issue where Summoner Auto Rifle’s emissive color was white instead of its normal orange.Fixed an issue where Seventh Seraph Shotgun ornament had artifacting near the bolt.Fixed an issue where Adored Sniper Rifle was using Beyond Light Watermark instead of Season of the Hunt Watermark.Fixed and issue where MIDA Multi-Tool had animation popping in first person when coming out of a sprint.Fixed an issue where Adept Mag did not work on Sola’s Scar.


The Infusion Cap for weapons and armor has risen 10 points. All sources will now offer upgrades up to 1260, Powerful sources up to 1310, and Pinnacle sources will go to 1320.


The Exo Stranger has a new Stasis Aspect quest available. Requires Beyond Light ownership, campaign completion, and acquisition of all prior Stasis Aspects from the Stranger.Fixed an issue where Step 2 of the Born in Darkness Part 2 quest unintentionally changed to only require using Stasis abilities against 30 combatants instead of the original 60. The objective has been returned to the original value. Players who have not yet completed this quest step will have to use Stasis abilities against 60 combatants.Weapon-focused bounties now cycle on a weekly rotation instead of random.Fixed an issue where Eris Morn’s post-campaign Memories quests weren’t showing on her map marker. Fixed an issue where the reward chest had no waypoint, making it easy to miss.Zavala, Shaxx, and Drifter have new daily and repeatable stasis bounties available. Gambit daily bounty and all three repeatable bounties require Stasis subclass acquisition.


Fixed a bug that was making the Hunter Arcstrider’s Way of the Warrior Combat Flow perk behave inconsistently.Colorblind Support Stasis abilities now have colorblind support: Enemy CrystalsEnemy SquallEnemy DuskfieldEnemy Bleak WatcherPlayer highlighting in Crucible now has colorblind support.Subclass Tuning Hunters: The freeze detonation from Silence & Squall has been reduced from 12m to 8.5m in radius.Enemy Squall now has a red ring to define its area as it approaches.Titans: Shiver Strike melee energy is now refunded when Glacial Quake ends.Fixed an issue in which players can trigger Whisper of Torment by standing in an opponent’s Barricade.Warlocks: Shadebinder Bleak Watcher Aspect now grants two fragment slots.Chaos Reach Fixed an issue with Chaos Reach Super that was allowing it to penetrate some thin walls or objects enough to damage and kill opponents on the other side.


Reduced the health of the Fallen Dropship turrets.


Added stat trackers for each Seal that can be gilded, tracking how many times the Seal has been gilded.


The Well-Rested tooltip has been updated to direct players to Seasonal Challenges rather than Weekly Bounties.Added a Past header category for Seasonal Challenges, and moved any Season of the Chosen Seasonal Challenges with weapon, reputation, or lore rewards to the Season of the Chosen category under the Past. All other Season of the Chosen Seasonal Challenges are no longer available.Added a new XP reward size for Seasonal Challenges.


Shaders are now unlockable items and no longer consumed upon application. Shaders no longer exist within the Inventory and can now be found within Collections. Any shader that has been unlocked in Collections can be applied to weapons or armor for the cost of 500 Glimmer.Existing shaders held in player Inventories, Vaults, and at the Postmaster have been removed.


Updated tooltip to inform players purchasing Season Pass ranks at rank 99, does NOT provide progress past rank 100.Seasonal armor will no longer drop from the Season Pass.Seasonal armor is now available exclusively through Seasonal activities and Seasonal Rank bonuses.Updated Season Pass Rank Rewards: Free: Rank 5 – 25 Legendary ShardsRank 10 – 25 Legendary ShardsRank 15 – 5 Enhancement CoresRank 20 – Exotic EngramRank 25 – Legendary EngramPremium: Rank 14 – 25 Legendary ShardsRank 15 – 5 Enhancement CoresRank 17 – 10,000 GlimmerRank 24 – Legendary EngramRank 27 – 5 Enhancement CoresRank 34 – 3 Upgrade ModulesRank 37 – 10,000 GlimmerRank 44 – 25 Legendary ShardsRank 47 – 3 Upgrade ModulesRank 54 – Exotic EngramRank 57 – 5 Enhancement Cores


Glory, Valor, and Infamy reputations have had their internal systems rebuilt to a unified implementation. In-game, players should expect minimal perceived changes. Unified Glory, Valor, and Infamy rank reputation tracking. Before Forsaken, Glory and Valor had only Major ranks (Guardian, Brave, etc.).After Forsaken, Glory and Valor gained sub-ranks (Brave I, II, III) alongside Infamy. However, all the historical tracking (Lifetime Ranks) and quest usage still used the original Major ranks.Now, the sub-ranks are now referred to simply as Ranks, and all usage has been converted to use them where appropriate. (I.e., all lifetime values and quest targets have been multiplied by three.)Glory playlists no longer block Valor win streaks from declining.The Valor badge now appears on the Trials launch screen.Infamy win streak bonus is now linear (+35 points per win).Glory win streak bonus is now linear (+20 points per win).Valor and Glory gains and rewards are now blocked by the PvP Banhammer.You are now no longer able to reset Valor or Infamy if you have a full stack of Ascendant Shards.Infamy rank reward Bygones is now available without restriction.Infamy rank reward Distant Relation is available if it has never been acquired before.Ada-1 has returned to the Tower with a variety of new offerings. Once the Seasonal introductory quest is completed, players can visit Ada-1 to pick up Armor Synthesis Bounties to earn materials for up to 10 Armor Synthesis per class per Season.Banshee-44 no longer offers Armor mods and will instead offer a selection of Weapon mods which will rotate daily.When Xur’s inventory includes an Exotic armor piece with a perk effect that depends on the use of a particular ability, that armor piece should more reliably come with a higher stat value in the stat that governs the cooldown of that ability.


Focused Umbral Engrams now auto-decrypt when obtained via the Prismatic Recaster.The visual states for Focusing options on the Prismatic Recaster have been streamlined to reduce visual clutter and confusion.


Added motion blur, chromatic aberration, and film grain settings options to Xbox One and PS4.


Fixed a bug that was preventing Sparrow cleanup when the rider exited the game unexpectedly.Fixed an issue causing gear in the Destiny Content Vault to erroneously drop from strike-unique loot lists.Sparrows no longer time out after seven seconds and can now stay in the world semi-indefinitely. Just please be respectful where you park them.Players can now easily filter the offerings in the Eververse Storefront Archive tab. Offerings have increased to 200+ items in the Archive.Store tab now displays a sheen when Bright Engrams are available for decrypting.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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