Destiny 2 Season Of The Splicer: Seasonal Challenges Guide (Week 10)

The Season of the Splicer has officially arrived in Destiny 2 (although the game is down for emergency maintenance), bringing with it a new slate of Seasonal Challenges. First introduced in the game’s last season, these challenges replace weekly bounties for Bright Dust and other rewards, giving you objectives to meet throughout the season. What’s nice about Seasonal Challenges, however, is that they persist all the way through the Season of the Splicer. While new challenges are released each week, you’ll have until the end of the season to complete them all–and earn big rewards of Bright Dust and experience points for your trouble.

Here’s a rundown of how the Seasonal Challenge system works and what challenges you’ll face each week throughout the season’s run. The Season of the Splicer is set to end on August 24.

Table of Contents [hide]How Seasonal Challenges WorkWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Seasonal

How Seasonal Challenges Work

For most of its run, Destiny 2’s various activities vendors–Zavala, Shaxx, and the Drifter–carried weekly bounties that incentivized playing all three activities each week. Those bounties handed out Bright Dust if you participated in them, but if you didn’t, you missed out on earning Destiny 2’s premium in-game currency. Seasonal Challenges fix that; they’re challenges that are dolled out weekly, but which you can complete any time during the season.

You’ll find Seasonal Challenges on the Quests tab in the Director. Each week, a new slate of challenges is released, so you can pop in and see what their requirements are as you go. Completing challenges is a great way to earn experience points and power up your Seasonal Artifact, allowing you to raise your character’s level over the gear Power cap for the season. Many of the challenges also reward you with consumables and Bright Dust, which you can then spend in the Eververse Store on various cosmetic items.

Week 1

Hello, World Speak to the Splicer Servitor and complete Path of the Splicer I, then kill powerful Cabal enemies anywhere in the solar system. You get bonus progress if you defeat Cabal in the seasonal Override activity.Maximum Override Complete 5 Override missions and deposit Data Spikes as a team. Bonus progress is awarded for wearing Season of the Splicer armor during the activity.Ethereal Splicer Gather Ether from playing various activities, including Public Events, Strikes, Gambit, and the Crucible.Sidearm Splicer Defeat opponents in Override with a sidearm, with bonus progress for precision blows.Icebound Complete 10 bounties, and finish patrols, Public Events, and Lost Sectors on Europa.Challenger’s Aspirations Complete three weekly Playlist challenges for Crucible, Gambit, or Strikes.Close Calibration Calibrate close-range weapons on Europa (SMGs, swords, shotguns, and sidearms). You’ll get bonus progress for rapidly defeating enemies.Drifter’s Chosen Earn 250 points in Gambit matches by banking motes, defeating blockers, and defeating enemy Guardians.Sacred Scorcher Defeat enemy Guardians in the Team Scorched mode in the Crucible. Bonus progress is rewarded for fully charged detonations, which you can get by holding down the fire button for your Scorch cannon until it charges all the way before releasing it to fire.Vex Deletion Protocol Defeat 5 Vex bosses in Strikes.

Week 2

Safe Harbor Complete Path of the Splicer II and kill Champions anywhere in the solar system. You’ll receive bonus progress if you defeat Champions in Override.Theseus Protocol Defeat the Minotaur boss in Override (located in the Moon version of the activity) and defeat powerful Vex anywhere in the solar system. Bonus progress comes from beating powerful Vex in Override.Crack and Decrypt I Open 15 total Conflux Chests in Override and decrypt 15 Season of the Splicer Umbral engrams at the HELM. This requirement is retroactive, so it’ll count chests you opened and engrams you decrypted in Week 1.Auto Rifle Splicer Get auto rifle kills in Override activities, with bonus progress for rapid kills.Light Moon Rising Complete 10 bounties and finish patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors on the moon.Challenger’s Cipher Decrypt 5 Prime engrams. This one isn’t retroactive–you’ll need to decrypt five new Primes to complete it.Mid-Range Calibration Calibrate auto rifles, fusion rifles, machine guns, and hand cannons on the moon.Dredgin’ Up Victory Complete Gambit matches with bonus progress for wins.Iron Sharpens Iron Complete Iron Banner matches, with bonus progress for wins.Anti-Cabal Sweep Defeat Cabal combatants in Strikes, with bonus progress for tougher enemies.

Week 3

Breakthrough Complete Path of the Splicer III and defeat 150 powerful Scorn anywhere in the solar system. You’ll receive bonus progress if you defeat Scorn in Override.Expedited Expunge Complete Expunge: Labyrinth in 10 minutes or less.Eliksni Ally Increase your reputation rank with the House of Light servitor to 10–you can do that by earning Data from the Season Pass or from completing Override activities and completing the servitor’s bounties.The Tangled Web We Weave On the Tangled Shore, finish 10 bounties and complete public events, Lost Sectors, and patrols.Challenger’s Apogee Reach Power Level 1310 by earning powerful rewards and Prime Engrams.Long-Range Calibration Get kills with long-range weapons on the Tangled Shore–namely, bows, pulse rifles, and trace rifles. You’ll get bonus progress for using those weapons in Lost Sectors.Primeval Entourage Kill Taken in Gambit matches, with bonus progress for beating tougher opponents. There’s bonus Infamy gains this week, so it’s a good time to jump into Gambit to complete this and other challenges.Flourish of Power Defeat 50 Guardians using Super abilities in the Mayhem playlist.Ultimate Champion Defeat Champions in Nightfall: The Ordeal Strikes, at Hero difficulty or higher. The higher the difficulty, the more bonus progress you’ll earn for each Champion defeated.

Week 4

Provocation Complete Path of the Splicer IV and defeat Champions anywhere in the system, with bonus progress for Champions defeated in Override or Expunge activities.Draconian Protocol Defeat the Wyvern boss in Override and defeat powerful Vex anywhere in the system, with bonus progress for Vex defeated in Override or Expunge activities.Ethereal Splicer II Collect Ether by defeating enemies in playlist activities and, basically, all over the system.Fusion Rifle Splicer Defeat 150 enemies with fusion rifles in Override and Expunge, with bonus progress for rapidly defeated enemies.Trials of the Tinker Unlock 12 total mods from the Seasonal Artifact.Contender’s Delve Complete a Legendary or Master Lost SectorPrecision Calibration Defeat enemies by landing precision hits with sniper rifles, scout rifles, and linear fusion rifles, with bonus progress for defeating Guardians.High-Value Hunter Defeat powerful combatants in Gambit, with bonus progress for defeating High-Value Targets.Momentum Crash Defeat Guardians in the Momentum Control game mode in the Crucible, with bonus progress for Guardians defeated while you have Zone Advantage.Vanguard Chosen Beat a Nightfall Strike on Hero difficulty or higher.

Week 5

Changing Views Complete Path of the Splicer V and defeat 150 powerful Hive anywhere in the system, with bonus progress for Hive killed in Override.Expedited Expunge: Tartarus Complete the Expunge: Tartarus mission in 6 minutes or less.Crack and Decrypt II Unlock 30 total Conflux chests in Override missions and decrypt 30 total Season of the Splicer engrams at the Prismatic Recaster.Grenade Launcher Splicer Get 150 grenade launcher kills in Override or Expunge, with bonus progress for rapid defeats.Apex Armorer Masterwork a piece of armor.Serenity in the Void Acquire Null Composure by completing its seasonal quest. You can acquire the quest from Banshee-44.Beyond Legendary Earn 16 Valor ranks. Competing in the Crucible this week will greatly boost your progress, thanks to extra Valor gains during the Iron Banner event.The Undying Complete any Nightfall strike without dying on Legendary difficulty or higher.

Week 6

Behind The Curtain Complete Path of the Splicer VI and defeat Champions anywhere in the solar system, with bonus progress for Champions defeated in Override and Expunge activities.Herculean Protocol Defeat the Hydra boss in Override and defeat powerful Vex anywhere in the system, with bonus progress for Vex killed in Override activities.Eliksni Ally II At the HELM, increase your reputation with the Splicer Servitor to Rank 20.Shotgun Splicer In Override or Expunge, kill 150 enemies with shotguns, with bonus progress for rapid defeats.Sling the Stone… Stagger, pierce, or disrupt 50 Champions.Feels Good To Be Bad Defeat Guardians in Gambit, with bonus progress for defeating them while invading.The Red Hat Unlock the Null Composure Crucible Ornament, Inferno Heraldry, by completing the quest The Red Hat. It requires you to earn Null Composure and then kill 100 Guardians in the Crucible, while also raising your Valor rank three times.

Week 7

The Dark Network Complete Path of the Splicer VII and defeat Champions anywhere in the solar system. You’ll get bonus progress for killing champions in Override and Expunge.Expedited Expunge: Styx Complete the Expunge: Styx mission on the Moon in 9 minutes or less.Ethereal Splicer III Collect Ether by defeating enemies just about anywhere in the solar system, but specifically in activities including Strikes, public events, the Crucible, and Gambit.Machine Gun Splicer Kill 150 enemies with machine guns in Override or Expunge. Bonus progress is awarded for precision final blows.In It For Infamy Earn 16 Infamy ranks in GambitCadre of Contenders Complete matches in the Crucible’s Competitive playlist, with bonus progress for wins.Conquest of the Mighty Complete a Grandmaster Nightfall Strike.

Week 8

Before The Dawn Complete Path of the Splicer VIII and open 20 Corrupted Chests in Expunge missions.Speedhack Complete the Override mission in 15 minutes or less.Crack and Decrypt III Unlock 45 total Conflux chests in Override missions and decrypt 45 total Season of the Splicer Engrams with the Prismatic Recaster.Vexterminator Defeat powerful Vex anywhere in the solar system, with bonus progress for killing them in Override or Expunge.Primeval Patina Earn the Primeval Patina ornament for Null Composure. You can get the quest for the ornament from the Drifter once you’ve earned the seasonal weapon.Trial By Firing Squad Win 7 total rounds (not matches) in the Trials of Osiris.Vanguard Vestments Earn the Vanguard Vestments ornament for Null Composure. You can get the quest for the ornament from Zavala once you’ve earned the seasonal weapon.

Week 9

Elemental Armaments Rack up 200 kills each with Arc weapons, Solar weapons, and either Void or Stasis weapons. You’ll earn bonus progress for defeating Guardians and killing enemies in Override or Expunge activities.Path of the Scribe Scan all nine recordings in the Eliksni Quarter of the Last CityEliksni Ally III Raise your reputation with the Splicer Servitor in the HELM to 30.Armory-Wide Calibration Earn kills with Primary weapons, Special weapons, and Heavy weapons. You’ll get bonus progress for taking down Champions with each.Elemental Splicing Complete two Strikes with each elemental subclass–two for Arc, two for Void, and two for either Stasis or Solar.

Week 10

Split Focus Defeat enemies with 200 times each with melee and grenade abilities, and defeat with Super abilities, with bonus progress for enemies defeated in Override or Expunge activities.Threads of Light Defeat 1,000 enemies in Override while wearing Season of the Splicer armor, with bonus progress for each piece of seasonal armor you’re wearing after the first. Deposit 100 Data Motes in Override.Explosive Calibration Defeat enemies with grenade and rocket launchers, with bonus progress for defeating GuardiansElemental Gambit Complete 2 Gambit matches using each elemental subclass: two matches for Arc, two for Void, and two for Solar and Stasis combined.


Master Of All Complete 75 seasonal challenges.

About Phil Hornshaw

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