Destiny 2 Servers Down For Maintenance This Week Ahead Of Season Of The Chosen Update

Three months after the launch of the Beyond Light expansion, Destiny 2 is preparing itself for the next chapter in its current year-long story arc. Season of the Chosen maintenance will begin at 8 AM PT / 11AM ET today and is expected to conclude at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Update 3.1.0 will be available across all platforms and regions from 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET. [Update: Bungie has brought the game back online and released the new Destiny 2 patch notes. Those are quite extensive, and they’re joined by a list of known issues you should be aware of before diving in.]

Fixes that you can expect after maintenance concludes include the Warsat Public Event in the Cosmodrome’s Mothyards now counting toward bounties, the Merciless fusion rifle will once again increase its charge rate on non-lethal hits, and the lift tube in the Warden of Nothing strike will now open for every player.

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Altar of Sorrows bosses will now rotate each day, Crucible Valor and Gambit Infamy New Light quests can be completed after you reset your ranks, and a number of weapons such as Thunderlord will once again render their scope and/or reticle when in use. Bungie is also aware of other issues in the game, such as the Lightseeker Triumph not unlocking after players have found all weekly feathers for the “Bird of Prey” quest, and feathers no longer appear after completing the Bird of Prey quest, and various black Blight Orbs left behind by the High Celebrant refusing to open for fireteams.

Crucible tokens have been scrapped as a currency, as Destiny 2 is making numerous changes to loot and bounties in Season of the Chosen. Crucible tokens could be spent to increase your reputation with Lord Shaxx and unlock a loot drop from the vendor, but those under-powered items were usually broken down by players for resources and Legendary Shards.

Umbral Engrams have returned to Destiny, and players can even choose what kind of weapons and armor they want to claim from them. Drop rates for Umbral Engrams have been reduced though, but they’ll still drop from random enemy kills and from other in-game activities such as patrols, strikes, Gambit, Crucible, and much more.

Season 13’s overall goal is to combat any lingering fears of missing out on time-sensitive content during the next three months. Bungie’s aim is to create a more persistent world and introduce content that will be available to play long beyond the usual seasonal window, only expiring when the next expansion arrives in November.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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