Destiny 2 Solar Abilities Will Unlock After 20 Million Nightmare Containment Runs

Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted has arrived with a full revamp of the Solar subclass, although not every element of this Guardian skill-tree has been unlocked. This is by design, as Bungie explained that players will be able to unlock additional Fragments for Solar 3.0 by completing a number of Nightmare Containments, this season’s new public event.

The key to completing this activity will be teamwork, as Bungie added that full fireteams will earn double the progression points for the community goal. As an example, one Guardian completing a Nightmare Containment run counts as a single completion point, but a three-person fireteam will count for six points. Bungie explained in its weekly blog post that once the Destiny 2 community hits 20 million completions of Nightmare Containment, the following Fragments will be unlocked:

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Ember of EmpyreanEmber of CharEmber of AshesEmber of Wonder

While those four Fragments are locked away, Bungie did note that several veteran players had already unlocked the Ember of Ashes and the Ember of Wonder due to them having previously built into the Solar subclass.

Some players have also been unable to acquire Fragments that should have been unlocked for everyone at the start of Season of the Haunted, specifically Ember of Eruption and Ember of Searing. While Bungie is working to rectify this situation, anyone who has unlocked Solar Fragments early won’t have to worry about them being removed from their Guardian builds.

In case you missed it, you can check out the Solar 3.0 trailer to see how the overhauled subclass will turn your Guardian into a fire god. If you’re looking for guides, we also have features on how to get the Trespasser Exotic catalyst, the best early vendor upgrades, how to get Opulent weapons, and where to find Calus bobbleheads.

Destiny 2: Season Of The Haunted – All The New Exotics, Armor, And OrnamentsSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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