Destiny 2: The Final Shape Launches February 2024 With New Destination, Supers, And More

Destiny 2: The Final Shape will officially launch on February 27, 2024. Announced during the Destiny 2 Showcase, Bungie’s final chapter in the Light and Darkness saga will see players venture inside of the Traveler, using the portal that The Witness opened at the end of Lightfall.

Bungie detailed some of the changes that’ll be introduced in The Final Shape, starting with a closer look at the new patrol zone, the Pale Heart. Set inside of the Traveler, the Pale Heart is an area with massive structures and is designed to feel “weird” according to Bungie. Since the Witness arrived, the Pale Heart has been twisted and reshaped, blending locations from the past like the original Tower social space from Destiny with other familiar locales.

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Bungie describes this as Destiny’s first “linear” destination, one that gets more dangerous the deeper you go into it. Right at the end, you’ll find the Witness’s monolith, where the primary antagonist of Destiny is at its most powerful. There’ll be other threats to deal with as well, as the Pale Heart features Subjugators that wield both Stasis and Strand powers against you.

For the campaign, Bungie says that the story won’t end with the final mission and will continue with the raid. Once you have completed the campaign, the entire Pale Heart location will be opened and will begin reacting more actively to your presence. The other big gameplay change coming in The Final Shape is a new set of Light-based Supers for Guardians, starting with Warlocks and their powered-up Solar Super. A callback to Destiny’s Radiance Super, this new ultimate ability allows you to wield powerful melee and grenade abilities while enhancing any nearby Guardians who are equipped with a Solar subclass.

Titans get a new “layered” Void subclass called Twilight Arsenal, in which axes are summoned and home in on enemies. Once embedded, these axes don’t just do massive damage, they remain as powerful weapons that nearby Guardians can pick and use against enemies. Titans can also consume a grenade to create a barrier that blocks damage and then can be released to damage enemies with their new abilities. Finally, Hunters, get an Arc Super in which they hurl a knife, teleport to it, and unleash a powerful whirlwind of energy. This can be done up to three times, and a new Aspect has a team-based design to it that will allow Hunters to buff their teammates.

In the weapons department, Bungie teased a new Exotic fusion rifle called Tessellation. The Dragon’s Breath and Red Death Exotics are also returning, and another weapon that fired a beam similar to the one unleashed by the Traveler was also briefly glimpsed. New weapon sub-families are also being introduced, with one of these new categories being rocket pistols that shoot slow-moving projectiles that do area-of-effect damage.

Auto rifles are also getting a support sub-family, with Bungie briefly showing off a weapon that can switch from damaging bullets to healing rounds that you can fire at allies.

After The Finale Shape, Bungie will abandon Destiny 2’s seasonal structure in favor of episodes, of which we’ll see three per year.

Before The Final Shape arrives, Destiny 2 still has two more seasons in which to lay the foundation for this next expansion. Season 22 begins on August 22, and like previous seasons, it introduces a number of quality-of-life updates and technical changes to Destiny 2. Legacy Exotic armor pieces and several Exotic weapons are getting tweaked, Gambit is becoming less relevant, and a chunk of new content is coming to Destiny 2’s PVP ahead of bigger changes to the Crucible next year.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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