Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Memory Alembic Guide: How To Find Qualichor And Finish The Secret Mission

Explore Savathun’s throne world in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen for a while and you might stumble upon some special, glowing Hive enemies, or investigate the curious corpse of a dead Scorn chieftain. These interactions, if you complete them, will eventually lead you to a special secret mission called Memory Alembic. Completing it is necessary to unlock all the secrets in the throne world and complete the Witch Queen’s Triumph seal, but you’ll have to puzzle out how to go about it on your own.

Or, you would have to puzzle it out, but we’re here to help. Though the Memory Alembic mission is obtuse, solving the case of the dead Scorn isn’t too difficult once you know where to look for clues. The mission will have you hunt down and destroy several special Hive Executioner enemies, which earns you a Triumph and a special resource called Qualichor. You need a fair amount of Qualichor to advance the quest, and it’s not immediately clear how to get it.

Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about Qualichor, Hive Executioners, Hive Inquisitors, and the Memory Alembic quest to complete it.

How To Find The Memory Alembic Quest

First, you’ll need to increase your reputation with Fynch in Savathun’s throne world in order to unlock Deepsight Tier 2. Without it, you won’t be able to see some key secrets or advance the quest reliably, so keep completing bounties, patrols, and Public Events in the throne world to level up.

Once you’re at Deepsight Level 2, start looking around the various patrol areas of the throne world for Deepsight nodes and interacting with them. While most of them will lead you to a nearby chest with some Glimmer, a weapon drop, and a little bit of throne world reputation, you’ll eventually find one that reveals the nearby body of a Scorn Chieftain. Look for its crumpled husk right near the Deepsight node.

Use the Interact button to examine the Chieftain and your Deepsight will reveal a green trail leading across the throne world. Where you’re headed will depend on where you start:

Quagmire – trail leads into Alluring CurtainMiasma – trail leads into Witch’s EchoFluorescent Canal – trail leads to Queen’s Bailey

Once you’ve found the trail, follow it closely–it’ll eventually lead you to a small object on the ground, which will give you the interactable option to “examine debris.” Do that, and you’ll get a buff called On The Trail, which will make the green trail visible until you complete the objective, without requiring Deepsight.

Each throne world location has multiple Deepsight nodes that include Scorn corpses, so you don’t need to find a specific one to locate the trail–just look around until you come across one. However, it’s worth noting that the patrol zone where the trail starts rotates daily, and you can only follow one trail per day.

Defeat the Hive Executioner

Follow the green trail into the reaches of the throne world and eventually it’ll bring you to your target: a Hive Lightbearer. These are special agents of Savathun–the idea here is that they maraud around the throne world, eliminating high-value targets for the Witch Queen, like that Scorn you found. Expect a tough fight, akin to battling the Hive Lightbearers who roam around the patrol zones as High-Value Targets.

Destroy the Lightbearer and eliminate their Ghost, and a chest will drop, so make sure you find it and open it before leaving. These chests have a tendency to spawn in corners or other tough-to-spot places, so look around carefully. Your reward will include Qualichor; once you find some, return to Fynch to begin the Memory Alembic quest.

Fight the Inquisitors

There’s a second, less reliable and more difficult way to kick off this quest, and that’s by finding a group of Hive Inquisitors in public patrol zones in the throne world. Watch for a message to pop up in the bottom-left corner of your screen that says there are Hive Inquisitors in your “sector”–that means you’re in the area where the Inquisitors are roaming around. You’ll want to find them fast, as this whole event is timed and won’t last.

Look for a group of Hive enemies who glow with bright white auras. When you see them, attack the group and wipe them out. When they’re all dead, a tougher lieutenant enemy will spawn; a Knight, Wizard, or Ogre. Destroy this enemy too, and you’ll see the same “Hive Inquisitors in your sector” message, notifying you that a new, tougher group of Inquisitors have spawned in. These guys are usually fairly close to where you found the last group, but not always–hop on your sparrow and drive around to find them quickly.

You’ll have to kill three groups of Inquisitors in total, each of which being more difficult than the last. When the third lieutenant is wiped out, you’ll get a message that Inquisitor Lightbearers are spawning. Look for them in a fairly central location of the patrol zone–it should be close to where you fought the last group. This is a tough fight, with three Lightbearers at once, one of each type. They’re flanked by elite-level Hive Acolytes, as well, so if you can, this fight is best tackled with help from other players.

Defeating the three Lightbearers will spawn a chest for your trouble, and inside it, you’ll find Qualichor, which will start you on the Memory Alembic quest as noted above. There’s more to do with the Inquisitors later as well.

How to Advance the Memory Alembic quest

Once you have Qualichor, you’ll embark on a new endeavor: gathering enough Qaulichor to create Refined Qualichor. Each time you kill a Hive Executioner like the first one, you’ll gain Qualichor, advancing the step about 12%. That means you need eight hits of Qualichor in order to complete this step, and it’ll spawn multiple days.

In order to complete the Qualichor step, you’ll want to jump into the throne world for several days in a row, hunting down Executioners. As mentioned, the section of the patrol zone where an Executioner’s trail can be found rotates daily, from Quagmire, to Miasma. to Fluorescent Canal.

If you’re hanging around in the throne world anyway, you can also hunt down Hive Inquisitors for extra Qualichor. They’re tougher to find, though–Inquisitors spawn in one of the three zones and only at seemingly long intervals, so if you’re wandering back and forth hoping some will show up, you’ll likely be waiting a while. It’s also unclear if you can kill more than one group of Inquisitors per day to earn Qualichor. We’ve confirmed that you can definitely only hunt one Executioner per day, and you can also kill Inquisitors on the same day as an Executioner, so the minimum Qualichor you can earn per day is 25%. You also need to kill all three Executioners to unlock the Ascendant Bounty Hunter Triumph.

Once you have a full batch of Qualichor, return to Fynch. You’ll complete the Memory Alembic quest by talking with him, which will give you Refined Qualichor–but not an indication of what you should do with it. You need this resource to open a specific chest and claim your reward for all this work.

How to find the Executioner’s Hoard

The final step of the Qualichor saga requires finding and defeating Inquisitors. As mentioned above, you can find them randomly in throne world patrol zones–look for the message that says Hive Inquisitors are in your sector, then seek out a group of Hive enemies who are glowing with white auras.

You’ll need to kill all three groups of Inquisitors and their lieutenants, and then defeat the three Lightbearer Hive enemies who spawn at the end, all before the time runs out. You can ignore the Acolytes that show up along with them as long as you kill all three Lightbearers. Once you do, a new Deepsight Resonance node will appear nearby, depending on where you have your last fight. Interact with the node and it’ll lead you to a nearby chest that requires Refined Qualichor to open–the Executioner’s Hoard. Good news: You finally have Refined Qualichor.

Open the chest for some more random throne world drops (although it’s not clear that they’re special in any way). That’ll also tick off the Executioner’s Hoard Triumph.

Complete the Predator of Predators Triumph

You’ve completed everything you need to with Memory Alembic and Qualichor at this point, but there is one last thing to do: hunt Executioners. You’ll need to bring down a bunch of Executioners and open their chests in order to unlock the Predator of Predators Triumph. You also can’t count Inquisitor chests toward that total, which means you can only kill one Executioner a day to get up to the totals you need.

All of these Triumphs are big steps toward completing the Chief Inspector Triumph, which requires a total of 350 Triumph score from the Secrets section of the Throne World Triumph tab. Earn that, and you’ll get the Fundament Ghost Shell, which you’ll need to finish out the Throne World Triumph Seal.

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