Destiny 2 The Witch Queen Trailer Gives A Closer Look At Savathun's Mystifying Throne World

In a new trailer, Bungie has shown off Savathun’s massive and mystifying Throne World Guardians will explore when Destiny 2 The Witch Queen launches on February 22. Her domain nests both the Light and Dark and is filled with bewildering secrets, a crashed Pyramid ship, and her Hive Guardians named the Lucent Brood.

The trailer shows Guardians cautiously exploring the High Coven while Ikora warns them that things may not be what they seem in her realm. Snippets of various areas within the Throne World reveal a fantastical Hive queendom with crimson-painted flora. Amid the spooky swamp are the Scorn and a crashed Pyramid ship where Bungie said players must venture into the depths of the ship for the new raid.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – Savathûn's Throne World

Statues lining her castle were noticeable, but the trailer showed off a peculiar one of Savathun’s brother Oryx slaying what looks to be the Worm God Akka–a story of how Auryx became Oryx in the Books of Sorrow lore from Destiny 1 The Taken King. The trailer also showed a fiery underground location where a Guardian uses a mechanic like the Wayfinder Compass abilities from Season of the Lost to reveal unseen paths.

Savathun claims that her Throne World is indistinguishable from her own mind, and an enigmatic scene shows her summon copies of herself as she attacks a Guardian’s Light inside a Hive ritual circle. We don’t know what these tricks mean, and we have yet to see what Savathun has in store.

However, you can read about everything we do know about the upcoming Year 5 expansion and the first mission from The Witch Queen. The Bungie 30th Anniversary is here with the Gjallarhorn Exotic rocket launcher, a Halo-inspired Exotic weapon, the new Grasp of Avarice dungeon, and a free six-player activity called Dares of Eternity.

About Saniya Ahmed

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