Destiny 2: The Witch Queen's Brand-New Dungeon Launches On May 27

The first dungeon of Destiny 2’s Witch Queen expansion is set to launch on Friday, May 27 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. The recommended Power level for the brand-new dungeon is 1550 for the normal difficulty. Players can jump into the Master difficulty the same day, but they’ll have to wait until launch to know the recommended Power level.

This Week at Bungie post shared reward types players can get starting next Friday. There will be a Legendary armor set for each Class to earn and Artifice versions of the armor for players who complete the dungeon on Master difficulty. There are four new Legendary weapons and two reprised weapons. Bungie also mentioned that players can get an Exotic weapon and its catalyst. Other items include an Exotic ship, Exotic sparrow, and two Legendary emblems.

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However, the two dungeons releasing this year in Season 17 and Season 19 aren’t free for players. Anyone who has the Deluxe Edition of The Witch Queen expansion can play the dungeons as they launch, while others can purchase The Witch Queen Dungeon Key for 2000 Silver in the Eververse store to access the activity.

In an earlier TWAB, Bungie said it will incentivize older dungeons by rotating them weekly in Season 17 and rewarding players with Pinnacle gear. The latest dungeon in Destiny 2, called the Grasp of Avarice, was released during the Bungie 30th Anniversary event.

Season 17 will begin on May 24.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – All The Exotic Gear Revealed So FarSee More

About Saniya Ahmed

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