Destiny 2 Trailer Teases Halo-Like Magnum, Loot, And Space Horses To Celebrate Bungie's 30th Anniversary

Today marks the 30th anniversary of Bungie’s founding, and to celebrate, the studio has plenty of new themed loot that’ll be available inside of Destiny 2 from this week. The new content will be a mix of free and paid-for gear and activities that celebrate Bungie’s legacy. In a new trailer to kick the festivities off, Bungie showed off the new Loot Cave-inspired Dungeon on the Cosmodrome, a new six-player activity that will be free to all Guardians, and several new armor sets.

Some of the items that players will be able to collect during the 30th-anniversary event include a new sword inspired by Myth, Thorn-themed armor, Bungie-themed streetwear-inspired armor, weapons from the original Destiny, and a sidearm that looks just like Halo: Combat Evolved’s Magnum.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Beyond Light – Bungie 30th Anniversary Trailer

Gjallarhorn can be earned in a new quest and further upgraded in the Cosmodrome dungeon, and there’s even a matching Gjallarhorn sparrow vehicle to unlock.

In other Destiny 2 news, the game’s final major patch of the year will make it easier on the eyes, it’ll soon be easier to acquire Exotic ornaments for the rarest gear in the game, and the new Destiny Grimoire book has begun teasing the return of Oryx, the Taken King.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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