Destiny 2's Trials Of Osiris And Iron Banner Will See Some Cult-Classic Weapons Return

A new season in Destiny 2 means a fresh supply of loot to earn, and if you’re a fan of the game’s most challenging activities, here’s what you can look forward to. In Trials of Osiris, the deadly PvP mode that runs every weekend, a trip to the Lighthouse after a flawless run will see some new gear unlocked.

Alongside regular rewards such as Burden of Guilt and The Inquisitor, players can earn the Exalted Truth hand cannon and the Unwavering Duty machine gun again. Some weapons will be leaving the pool though, so this weekend will be your last chance to earn Aisha’s Embrace and Reed’s Regret for a while.

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In Iron Banner, Lord Saladin will have more than just some legacy armor available next season when the Rift game mode is replaced with an interesting twist on Control that’s called Fortress. The Dark Decider auto rifle and the Gunnora’s Axe shotgun are being added back to the pool, after having previously been sunset in Season 12. To make room for them, the Forge’s Pledge pulse rifle and the Riiswalker shotgun are being taken out of circulation.

In Nightfall, you’ll see the Wendigo GL3 grenade launcher and Hung Jury SR4 scout rifle available as prizes again, while other ritual activities like Gambit, Crucible, and Vanguard strikes will offer a selection of new ornaments to equip to your gear.

Trials of Osiris

What’s arriving:

Exalted Truth Suros Adaptive Hand Cannon + AdeptUnwavering Duty Suros Adaptive Machine Gun + Adept

What’s staying:

Whistler’s Whim Bow + AdeptForgiveness Sidearm + AdeptThe Inquisitor (Adept) Shotgun + AdeptBurden of Guilt Fusion Rifle + Adept

What’s leaving:

Aisha’s Embrace Scout RifleReed’s Regret Linear Fusion Rifle

Iron Banner

What’s arriving:

Dark Decider Auto RifleGunnora’s Axe Slug Shotgun

What’s staying:

Allied Demand SidearmRoar of the Bear Rocket LauncherThe Wizened Rebuke Fusion RifleThe Hero’s Burden Submachine GunFrontier’s Cry Hand CannonRazor’s Edge Sword

What’s leaving:

Forge’s Pledge Pulse RifleRiiswalker Shotgun


What’s arriving:

Wendigo GL3 Heavy Grenade LauncherHung Jury SR4 Scout Rifle

What’s leaving:

Silicon Neuroma Sniper RifleDuty Bound Auto Rifle

In more Destiny 2 news, expect big changes to shotguns in Season 19, dozens of Exotic weapon buffs, and a Seasonal Artifact that will make the grind for Exotic gear a little bit easier when you tackle Legend Lost Sectors.

The Best (And Most Ridiculously Fun) Destiny 2 ExoticsSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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