If you missed your earlier chances at the PvP favorite hand cannon Igneous Hammer in Destiny 2, good news–it’s back in this weekend’s Trials of Osiris. You’ll absolutely want to play some this weekend to earn one (or several), along with the other new Trials gear this season. Here’s the map you’re facing this week and a full rundown of the rewards you can earn.
As always, this weekend’s Trials event continues to the Tuesday weekly reset, so you’ve got until April 20 to earn rewards and spend tokens with Saint-14.
Trials of Osiris Map And Rewards (April 16-20)
Map: Cauldron3 wins — Igneous Hammer, Solar hand cannon5 wins — Hunter, Warlock, or Titan Class Item: Pyrrhic Ascent Cloak, Bond, or Mark7 wins — Exile’s Curse, Arc fusion rifleFlawless run — Igneous Hammer (Adept)
The Trials of Osiris is Destiny 2’s toughest challenge, but even if you’re not a Crucible champion, you shouldn’t hesitate to participate. You can still earn Trials rewards–some of the best gear in the game, like Igneous Hammer–just by playing matches. The End Game bounty from Saint-14 awards each week’s three-win reward even if you rack up a bunch of losses. There’s also a Seasonal Challenge that awards another weapon drop if you can win a total of seven rounds (as opposed to complete matches).
The Trials of Osiris takes place from Friday to Tuesday every week, and it represents some of the highest-level challenges and rewards in the game. Your goal is to win as many matches as possible before you suffer three total losses, which forces you to reset your Trials run, or Passage, and try again. You’ll earn loot at certain points as you rack up victories, but the best rewards in the event come when you go on a winning streak of seven matches in a row–a “Flawless” run.
If you can manage to go Flawless, you’ll visit the Lighthouse and earn exclusive rewards. Opening the chest in the Lighthouse now gets you an “Adept” weapon, which has extra stat boosts you can’t get almost anywhere else.
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