Destiny 2 Update Fixes Presage, Buffs Penumbral Blast; Read The Full Patch Notes

A new hotfix has hit Destiny 2 to fix a number of bugs, including incorrect rewards dropping from the Presage Exotic mission. Update also undoes a previous nerf to Warlocks’ Penumbral Blast and fixes a few issues with rewards from the Battlegrounds seasonal activity.

Bungie shared the complete patch notes for Update on its blog, which mostly fix a lot of minor irritations. Players who dove into the Harbinger Exotic mission last season have been annoyed that several Triumphs associated with it were bugged, but this hotfix knocks out those issues–so you can now get Triumphs like “The Lightbringer” for finding all of a week’s Penumbral Feathers in the mission, and “Birds of a Feather” for completing the mission with a fireteam of players using Hawkmoon.

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Other fixed problems include players launching the Presage mission without its associated quests, which hampered their ability to make progress on them, and rewards not dropping from the mission when it was completed. Bungie also caught some problems with armor ornaments for various Exotic armor and weapons, and fixed the Ticuu’s Divination Exotic catalyst, which wasn’t progressing properly for some players.

Check out the full patch notes below.

Update Patch Notes



Fixed an issue where beneficial modifiers were not functioning in Battlegrounds activities.Fixed an issue where some Colossus combatants would become lost on the battlefield.Fixed an issue where some combatant names were mistranslated in Korean.


Fixed an issue where players would be respawned in unfavorable areas leading to numerous deaths. Fixed an issue where players could launch their first Presage activity without its associated quest. When players attempt to launch the mission without the quest, there will not be error text explaining why. We plan to fix this issue in a future update.Additionally, players may still launch their first Master activity without the Catalyst quest. We plan to fix this issue in a future update.



Penumbral Blast detonation damage increased to 80 base damage, reverting previous changes.


Fixed an issue where players who didn’t own the Mindvault ornament would see it in the ornament bucket of the Insurmountable Skullfort, citing “Requires Mod Item” error ribbons.


Fixed an issue where No Time to Explain’s ornament couldn’t be selected or equipped on alternate platforms.

Bounties and Pursuits

Renamed the Cosmodrome Battlegrounds Activity to “Battlegrounds: Foothold”Updated the War Table Weekly Challenge name to “Honor and Glory”Fixed an issue where Presage was not granting Pinnacle rewards.Fixed an issue where players could not reset their Valor rank when reaching Rank 4.Fixed an issue where “The Good Company” gilded triumph would sometimes not progress when a Guardian had died.Fixed an issue where the Ticuu’s Divination catalyst quest would not progress with explosion kills from the weapon.Fixed an issue where Chosen Destruction and Chosen Strength Focused Umbral Engram Lenses were not unlocking appropriately.Fixed an issue where “The Lightbringer” Triumph did not complete for players after they had found all weekly Feathers for the “Bird of Prey” quest.Fixed an issue where the “Birds of a Feather” triumph was not completing appropriately.


Fixed an issue where the Season of the Chosen Director Dialogue was using incorrect artwork

About Phil Hornshaw

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