Destiny 2 Update Fixes Battlegrounds Issues, Full Patch Notes Revealed

Bungie has dropped a new Destiny 2 patch for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. Hotfix mainly fixes issues with Battlegrounds mode, including spawning Umbral Engrams despite the engram inventory being full, undestroyable generators, and players getting trapped in the Land Tank after disconnecting. Strikes have also been tended to in this update so players can access the Fallen S.A.B.E.R. missions.

The update also addresses user interface issues, such as XP icons on the Quest Details screen getting updated to match the iconography used throughout the rest of Destiny 2 and Seasonal Rank strings being reformatted to prevent text overlap. Some issues with Eververse have also been resolved, including stopping ornaments from disappearing, clamping down on the amount of Bright Engrams earned after reaching Season Pass rank 100, and making sure Core Ritual Weekly Bounty Challenges offer the correct rewards. The Master version of the Presage Exotic mission has been added.

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You can read the full patch notes below.

Destiny 2 Hotfix Patch Notes


Battlegrounds: Fixed an issue where Umbral Engrams could spawn under the ground when the engram inventory is full.Fixed an issue where generators could not be destroyed when fireteam members or combatants were within close proximity.Fixed an issue where players were respawning in the Land Tank after disconnects and becoming trapped.Strikes: Fixed an issue where players could not access Fallen S.A.B.E.R. in the Strikes Playlist or Direct Launch Node.

User Interface

Fixed formatting of Seasonal Rank strings where the text was overlapping.Fixed an issue where players could temporarily soft-lock the game and exit vendor performances in the H.E.L.M.Changed XP reward icon on the Quest Details screen to match XP icon used throughout the rest of the game.

Gameplay and Investment

Eververse: Fixed an issue where Lucent Night ornaments disappeared from the armor’s universal ornament section after unequipping.Icon for Anarchy’s Uniocracy ornament now more accurately reflects the ornament’s actual appearance.Fixed an issue where the Thalia’s Reach ornament for Liar’s Handshake disappeared when unequipping it.Fixed an issue where The Fourteenth Anamnesis ornament showed that it could be applied to Khepri’s Sting instead of the Helm of Saint-14.Fixed an issue where the Mantle of Remembrance ornament indicated it was for Aeon Swift instead of Shinobu’s Vow.Fixed an issue where the Caduceus Warlock ornament showed that it could be applied to Aeon Soul instead of Ophidian Aspect.Fixed an issue where the Bump and Run sparrow was missing like… most of it.Fixed an issue where players were receiving more Bright Engrams than intended after reaching Season Pass rank 100.Fixed an issue where Core Ritual (Gambit, Crucible, and Vanguard) Weekly Bounty Challenge would sometimes not reward Bright Dust. Any players affected by this will receive all missing Bright Dust in the future. An in-game message will confirm when your Bright Dust has been deliveredCollections: Fixed an issue where the War Weary shader was not appearing in Collections.Fixed an issue where the Salvagers Salvo Seasonal Grenade Launcher could not be reclaimed from Collections.Fixed an issue where the Contender’s Banner and The Next Chapter emblems were displaying the same art.Fixed an issue where players could retrieve the Season of the Chosen ritual emblems from Collections without completing the steps to earn them.


Fixed an issue where some mods were removed if their artifact version was equipped during the Season change.


Fixed an issue where Whisper of Chains was not properly granting damage reduction when near frozen enemies.

Bounties, Pursuits, and Challenges

Fixed an issue where players could continue to earn additional Hawkmoons if they didn’t pick up the quest and join others.Fixed an issue where a Proving Rune’s description from the War Table is different than the actual Rune you get.Reduced the number of wins required for the Legendary Glory Triumph from 50 to 5 to be aligned with the same requirement from Season of the Hunt.Fixed an issue where some Weekly Challenge engrams were dropping at a higher Power than intended.Fixed an issue where players were unable to reset their Valor after 4 resets.Fixed an issue where players were unable to reset their Infamy after 1 reset.Fixed an issue where players were incorrectly earning Powerful rewards after 3 Valor resets.


Fixed an issue where audio was out of sync with the Season of the Chosen opening cinematic.Fixed an issue where several vendor tooltips were incorrect.Fixed a Season of the Chosen purchase information screen which had an incorrect translation in Brazilian Portuguese.

About jeremy winslow

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